Animekid @animekid
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Animekid @animekid
I guess I'm rather proud of how I've progressed in a personal sense in being comfortable around people I don't know *at least willingness to be around them* and going to new places I'm not comfortable with and doing things I really don't want too and things like that.
Animekid @animekid
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Animekid @animekid
Very true. You have to keep your mind active one way or another or it becomes slow and dull. Even if you just play Sudoku everyday that's much better than nothing. Oh I have many habits, sadly most of the ones that are left are bad haha. I need to get back into the "good" habit of playing piano. I'm in the process of continuing a habit of going on the treadmill every other day pretty much for at least 30mins. Trying to get into going to the gym now too, hopefully that will take root. Other habits I have are going online in the morning during breakfast and checking my email haha. I also like playing video games and watching anime when I can each night before bed since its the easiest time for me to get time for those things.
I would love to wear contacts every now and then really but the problem I've encountered is that my eyes seem so sensitive and they go all twitchy whenever anything gets near them haha. Twitchy to the point where I cannot control them and its caused serious problems during "puff tests" at eye exams that I even just skipped them a few times lol *the puff test part not the entire exam* I would love to just walk around any old day with the sharingan or any other unusual eye look and act like everything was normal and see if anybody would notice and how they would react lol.
Rou @roukuro
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Rou @roukuro
hi you added me, thanks. I like your profile pic, Valkyrie Profile is one of my favorites game series.
angelcake341 @angelcake341
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angelcake341 @angelcake341
Thx for adding me ^_^
SPARTAN117 @princevegeta
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SPARTAN117 @princevegeta
koszulcia xd @koszulcia
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koszulcia xd @koszulcia
well something i cant live without would be obviously anime and manga, but also sports ^^ and dogs
and my facebook is all filled with stuff about japan XD
coolandunique92 @coolandunique92
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coolandunique92 @coolandunique92
Hello there what's up? :)
neko_jutsu13 @neko_jutsu13
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neko_jutsu13 @neko_jutsu13
Sounds like you have a lot of work ^-^
my sister works at a salon too but she is not working right now.she just had her baby a few weeks ago so she has to take care of her baby for now.=)by the way do speak spanish?
himekat9240 @himekat9240
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himekat9240 @himekat9240
Yeah lol they are, and thank you I've had it this color for a couple months now. I'm a cosplayer so a lot of my time goes into that but it's a lot of fun I enjoy sewing and designing the costume as a whole as well as going to conventions. What about you?
rawrriceball @rawrriceball
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rawrriceball @rawrriceball
Uhm, Ghost in the Shell. Totally worth watching.