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kuro_tenshi @kuro_tenshi
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kuro_tenshi @kuro_tenshi
Your welcome. I have several lol :3 yours? Sorry for the extremely late reply. :(

ksong @ksong
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ksong @ksong
Haha ok I couldn't tell through text xP Well just because the cons are bigger doesn't mean it's better :P You have less crowds, lines, and waiting to worry about for starters. Though if you really want to go to bigger cons you could always visit Japan or the West Coast of the US :D

Burakku Gohan @arnie92
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Burakku Gohan @arnie92
Yes, yes we are
Well technically a robot couldn't feel the humidity or the dryness of the climate anyway, it's probably more likely that they would malfunction and over-heat . . . Not that I would ever wish that upon you [;~P
And again I almost agree with you, except robots can most definitely recognize, comprehend and understand emotion. They just lack the capacity to actually feel it themselves . . . Well for now at least. That robot in Prometheus was definitely harboring some homicidal emotions (rage, contempt, disgust, malice) Lol
And while you continue to try and feel sadness, I'm going to continue believing I can sprout wings and fly.
Let's see who gets what they want first
What's the reason you're single?

sad_robot @sad_robot
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What's the reason you're single?
sad_robot @sad_robot
Robots don't possess the cognitive ability to produce emotions required for a relationship.
*insert mechanical sob*
Hullo ouo

sad_robot @sad_robot
commented on
Hullo ouo
sad_robot @sad_robot
*weaboo? Lol, and my name is Tommie. Thanks a bundles