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Super Saiyan goku187 @goku187
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Super Saiyan goku187 @goku187

TheGreaterForce @tsuneharu
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TheGreaterForce @tsuneharu
So, how long have you been here on MO? For me, it's been a little less than a week. I like it so far, making a lot of friends.

TheGreaterForce @tsuneharu
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TheGreaterForce @tsuneharu
Thanks for the add.
What about Japanese Music?!

rollingpotato @rollingpotato
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What about Japanese Music?!
rollingpotato @rollingpotato
I went through a visual kei phase, so I feel that!
Now, I can't get enough of acoustics <3
What about Japanese Music?!

rollingpotato @rollingpotato
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What about Japanese Music?!
rollingpotato @rollingpotato
Then, I'm afraid I can't help very much!
I like the whole indie acoustic thing and strong guitar xD
Dealer. Jun 15-17
Mar 22-24
May 23-26
Dealer. Aug 9-11