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tashina_karamomo @tashina_karamomo
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tashina_karamomo @tashina_karamomo
Hi there
Thanks for the request :3 ~
Anime California

roidz @roidz
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Anime California
roidz @roidz
xD I live so close to this location. I might actually go to this con and make this my first ONE!
The "looking for a relationship" thread

roidz @roidz
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The "looking for a relationship" thread
roidz @roidz
Here we go...
My name is Daniel T. Luong.
Age 18 ( Soon in 08/06/2014)
Height 5'2
I'm pure Asian with a vietnamese/chinese mix.
I live in the OC area of California
Short Version of my Bio...
•Workout 3-5 Times a week
•Work a Part Time Job
•Going into CC to transfer into a Cal State College and Possibly a University for my Nursing Major
•Favorite anime is Romance/Comedy/ , Least Favorite would be ones with very graphic horror/murder scenes.
•Yu-Gi-Oh! is my hobby.
•I play Video games , surf the web , hang with friends or eat out on my spare time.
•My favorite video games or types of video games would be SMITE / Bioshock / Borderlands / Batman / Saints Row / Skyrim / FPS / RPG / MMORPG / MOBA / DOTA / Warcraft / Mass Effect / Dragon Age ... You get the picture , I play a lot of games.
•My favorite eat outs/ food is Korean BBQ/Sushi / Indian Food.
•I'm a singer
•I'm into going out a lot.
Long Long Long Long Long Version of my Bio...
Well to start of. I'm a gym kind of guy. I wake up around 6am early with no food in my stomach and workout.It's a process called Intermittent Fasting. I basically just don't eat for a while and then feast late around 6pm or so. I workout out 3 to 5 times a week. So i would Be Lifting and Do a little cardio. I try not to do SO MUCH cardio because I don't want to lose my strength.
I work a part time job at a Pizza Place. It's a pretty cool place to work at and really easy once you get the hang of things. It's a very energetic work place and you got be on your toes. The pay isn't all that great since it's minimum wage but HEY a job is a job imo and it's really close to where I live so I'm happy with that. :]
I'm going into a Community College since I found High School to be more of a fun thing then educational to me. Do i regret it? No I don't actually. High school was more of a shape to what I want to do. TO be honest. I liked it that way and I prefer doing hard stuff in college than high school plus I hated High School xD I then plan on going into a cal state college to work my way up in the ladder of my nursing major and then possibly go into a university.
My favorite Anime is romance and comedy. For that reason i like the mix of love and entertainment. I would wish to one day act like those anime with my partner. I find it hilarious for a girl to walk into the bathroom while a guy is in the tub then she screams and then she throws s*** at him and he gets blamed haha! I don't like really edgy horrors or murder , anything that can relate like Corpse Party can easily make me throw up or have nightmares. Light stuff like Mirrai Nikki or Attack on Titan is fine. Elfen lied was just the farthest i could go with.
As the nerd that I'am, I'm a Yu-Gi-Oh! player. I collect cards and I play the game. Have been playing since the day I watched the first Yu-Gi-Oh! episode. I usually go for making profit out of it then just trading UNLESS it's worth it to me.
On my free time, I'll usually play video games or watch anime on the internet. I go out usually when my friends call me but... oddly enough I prefer staying indoors to watch my anime HAHA. I eat out a lot too though, I prefer a night life than going out in the day time.
As a gamer , I play a lot of things that are the hype or worth playing. Anything that is interesting and fun is fine by me. I don't play games that take too much time like grinding games. I like to get on with it and just play. So sorry, not a big fan of final fantasy as much as I love the art though I'll take consideration some times.
I eat out often but I prefer Sushi , Korean BBQ or Indian food. it's really fatty and rich foods that would melt into my mouth like butter and entice me to eat more xD So watch your bill when I come in and eat.
I love to sing throughout my whole life. It started as me watching and singing along with barney till now I'm singing like I'm Elvis haha. Heres a video if you want.
I've been in Honor Choir for my school District and been part of a prestigious Choir Group at my school. I was happy to know I'm a lucky ducky who kept singing.
I'm an outdoor guy as you prolly could guess maybe who knows? xD. It started with me being part of KIWIANI'S international like KIWIN'S or Key Club. I made friends and I loved talking with them till this day but, The most invigorating part of this club was that I knew I was making a difference when I helped people and interact with them. i was glad to know I was doing something right.
What I look in a girl/woman/lady...
•Someone who can keep a conversation lively than just a bland "Hey how are you , Thats cool. Lol ." ect ect if you can make me laugh and you're open , I'll keep interest anything can make me laugh like "Hey...heu heu heu... what are the color of your panties" i'll actually smile , knowing you're a very open person.
•Someone who is cute. I love cute girls. Bubbly and Emoticons all the way. Love. Just do it.
•Someone who is real when needed. I like it when a girl speaks her mind. If you want to say something, I prefer you to say it. I don't like get hints dropped and knowing I've angered you but, not knowing how I did it or what happened. If you don't tell me , how am I suppose to fix this or have you smile again? I don't want to play Battle ship Girl Friend edition, because I don't want to miss I NEED TO HIT!
•Someone who can "spice" things up. Ecchi. That's All i'm gonna say LOL.
•Someone who isn't TOO SHY. Too shy means you closed your self on me. I don't want push so many buttons to the point you won't show yourself and you to get angry at me. If you're sorta shy , It's alright. I can live with that, just don't be too closed on me.
•Someone who shares my common interest. If you read. That'll be super awesome. I also wouldn't care about your height. If a girl accept my heights, I'd worship and cry.