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frederickmills002 @frederickmills002
left a comment for
Rika Yamada
frederickmills002 @frederickmills002
Hello Rika how are you?

Rika Yamada @rikayamada
Rika Yamada @rikayamada
Getting ready for Kumoricon 2013! I'm thinking about cosplaying at Choji this time but things can change lol I'm trying to be a little bit more prepared then I was last time xD

LunaCross @lunacross
left a comment for
Rika Yamada
LunaCross @lunacross
Oh of course! and its fine. :D
Kumoricon 2012

Rika Yamada @rikayamada
commented on
Kumoricon 2012
Rika Yamada @rikayamada
Nice I think its going to be Big they put two Hotels together to have it the Hilton and the Red Lion. Its purity much 2 blocks just for Kumoricon lol and even tho its 3 months away people are already getting ready for it its crazy XD
Here is the link for Kumoricon if you haven't checked it out yet
Kumoricon 2012

Rika Yamada @rikayamada
Kumoricon 2012
Rika Yamada @rikayamada
Hey everyone! I'm going to Kumoricon which is just around the corner 3 and a half months away o3o not that long at all...Anyways its my first anime convention >w< and my first time cosplaying haha I'm going as Tenten from Naruto/Naruto Shippuden If anyone wants to hang out and go as a group that would be awesome X3 I always love to make new friends So reply to me and maybe we can hang out there ^-^