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omm99 @omm99
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omm99 @omm99

平野 倫 (Hirano Rin) @hiranorin
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平野 倫 (Hirano Rin) @hiranorin
Madoka Magica is phenomenal.

kitarr @kitarr
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kitarr @kitarr
Yo, I have found another person who has seen Pupa, my god.
Out of curiosity who here has watch boku no pico either by accident or by choice maybe even a dare

redmangos @redmangos
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Out of curiosity who here has watch boku no pico either by accident or by choice maybe even a dare
redmangos @redmangos
I watched it once by myself (because of the don't watch boku no pico vid) and another time with my friend at school. Good times.
Out of curiosity who here has watch boku no pico either by accident or by choice maybe even a dare

redmangos @redmangos
commented on
Out of curiosity who here has watch boku no pico either by accident or by choice maybe even a dare
redmangos @redmangos
I watched alone as a dare and then watched with my friend during lunch at school haha. The iconic don't watch boku no pico video got me interested even though I already knew of the anime before.