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Dec 31, 16 at 3:51pm
That probably explains why I didn't know they got stronger. The strongest possible version of the main character seems cool! I don't suppose I could get a sneak peek could I?
Dec 31, 16 at 3:47pm
Yeah I have it bookmarked. So many I love here particularly Life Returns, Disturbance in Agustria and Shaman in the Dark.
Red @redhawk Oh yea I love those most definitely :D
Red @redhawk And Against Alvis ^^
Dec 31, 16 at 3:14pm
That's interesting! I don't recall them getting stronger than the previous generation. That sounds awesome! I do like the dark theme of series it just sets the mood for an awesome story and game imo. Thanks hehe : )
Ed~ @yamadaed left a comment for Red
Dec 31, 16 at 3:11pm
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Ed~ @yamadaed left a comment for Red
Dec 31, 16 at 3:03pm
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Dec 31, 16 at 2:54pm
Castlevania? I've only played the original Castlevania and Super Castlevania IV, but I remember enjoying them a lot. Not sure if this is too long for a sneak peak but here ya go :3 ~ "Cynthia, I'm coming in" said the tactician before he had entered her room. When he entered he saw Cynthia who was covering her face with her blanket, too ashamed to even look. The room was dimly lit which coincided with the weather outside displayed through her window. The sun was almost down and the wind was getting stronger which carried the droplets of rain. Robin grabbed the chair from her desk and placed it near her bed. "Cynthia, I heard from Owain. You shouldn't blame yourself. Each and every one of us knows that we can die at any given moment. Every -" said Robin before Cynthia took the covers off her face "BUT IT'S MY FAULT THEY WERE ENDANGERED! What kind of "Hero of Justice" would put their friends in danger?" exclaimed the young princess to which she got no reply. She wiped the tears that fell down her rosy white cheeks "You're right. A Hero of Justice wouldn't do that. A friend would. If you hadn't helped them when you did they could have been killed. We were already outnumbered and underestimated the size of the enemy forces. If anyone is to be blamed then it should be me. Walhart didn't conquer Valm by strength alone. Look I can't promise you that you won't be criticized by others, what I can promise you is that the people who love you will be there for you. Were all like a big family. We may disagree every now and then, but when it matters we all come together. Cynthia, if anything is bothering you, know that I'll be there to help you any way I can." said Robin Cynthia leapt into his arms and hugged him as hard as she could as if he life depended on it. She clung tightly to his cloak, her grip tightening every second. --- Once I get better at this I'd like to do one for either Holy War or Binding Blade. Also not sure how I'd go about it because I could do Holy War and Thracia all in one or just focus on say Sigurd/Seliph's story.
Dec 31, 16 at 1:46pm
Well it's from Awakening pertaining to Cynthia and Robin. Once I get better at writing I would like to do some stories from the older games such as FE4/5/6. 8 years wow! Sounds impressive, I doubt I'd be able to do something for that long! Is there a particular game that influences it the most?
Dec 31, 16 at 1:04pm
Well it Fire Emblem related and it's romance. What kind of story have you been working on?
Ed~ @yamadaed left a comment for Red
Dec 31, 16 at 12:34pm
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Ed~ @yamadaed left a comment for Red
Dec 31, 16 at 12:09pm
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