zerosouls0 @zerosouls0
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zerosouls0 @zerosouls0
Hey I'm new and looking for some people to chat with are you interested

alexm626 @alexm626
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alexm626 @alexm626
Thanks for friending me

Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
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Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
This account has been suspended.

redbloodvampire @redbloodvampire I have no reason to not add you back. I know better than anyone the pain of not having people to talk to. I accept your apology. There are a lot more people out there that can be worse than a dickhead. Some people don’t realize it like you did or just don’t care.

Lead Dickhead. @hikki758 While I do appreciate your sentiment, I realize that the pain of not having people is self inflected in my case. I have some friends who I can talk and do whatever with, I just lose interest in people and even more things at a surprisingly fast amount. Be it my view on reality and other things may be warped but it's all due from gut feelings and past experiences which are true majority of the time.

darkalphafox23 @darkalphafox23
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darkalphafox23 @darkalphafox23
hi baby girl

Vyse_Jakkya @vyse_jakkya
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Vyse_Jakkya @vyse_jakkya
Thanks for the,add. What are some of your favorite movies?

redbloodvampire @redbloodvampire Welcome, Underworld and Resident Evil

shixuan @shixuan
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shixuan @shixuan
Hi! How was your day?

redbloodvampire @redbloodvampire Hello, it was good

jessyo @jessyo
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jessyo @jessyo

kitsune90 @kitsune90
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kitsune90 @kitsune90
I'm good thanks ^^ what are your top 3 anime

redbloodvampire @redbloodvampire Top 3, i think it would have to be
Legend of Legendary Hero,
Black Butler
mmmmmm.....So many....i don't know the third one....

kitsune90 @kitsune90
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kitsune90 @kitsune90
how are you ^^

redbloodvampire @redbloodvampire good, you?

kitsune90 @kitsune90
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kitsune90 @kitsune90

redbloodvampire @redbloodvampire Hello