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Dude, I used to play MTG like a mad women in high school xD!
Though because I'm a college student now I can't afford cards or drafting anymore x.x;;
So I've been kinda out of the loop as of late xD;

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Dude! That's awesome, which card?? I'm curious now xDD;;!
Happy New Year to you as well c:

givemepocky @givemepocky
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givemepocky @givemepocky
Thank you...I'll take a look
Where u at? (Texas)

Razerblaze @razerblaze
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Where u at? (Texas)
Razerblaze @razerblaze
Pflugerville here, near Round Rock

Razerblaze @razerblaze
Razerblaze @razerblaze
Happy New Year everyone! I came across this site through Anime News Network and thought I'd give it a shot. Worst case I can use it to manage the Animes I've watched, best case I make some like-minded friends to hang out with :)