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ravenkatana @ravenkatana
ravenkatana @ravenkatana
After binge watching The Arrow... I now have a even more deep hatred for overly emotional characters. Throughout this series far too many people died when thier death's could have been avoided if the *heroes* would just look at the big picture instead of thier little spats. Emotion leads to uncertainty and then to death in this drama... Honestly... Is it so hard to think objectivly instead of crying about every little hiccup that happens. This is why *Heroes* tend to loose those close to them. They are too involved with thier alter ego and because of their exsitence in general people get hurt. Heroes create the monsters out of blind ambition to save something or find justice for something else. Villians only exist because they are a requirment for a *Hero* to get stronger. It is disgusting if you really think about it.

ravenkatana @ravenkatana
ravenkatana @ravenkatana
Started watching The Flash... so far I am surprised at how much I am liking it. Lots of plot holes but nothing is perfect.