darkhorse @darkhorse
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Raven Kikuhara
darkhorse @darkhorse

Flightless @flightless
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Raven Kikuhara
Flightless @flightless
Hazzah me u and "to the moon" ;D its a date ;p

Flightless @flightless
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Raven Kikuhara
Flightless @flightless
Hazzah me u and "to the moon" ;D its a date ;p

Flightless @flightless
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Raven Kikuhara
Flightless @flightless
Wana go to the moon? :D

Flightless @flightless
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Raven Kikuhara
Flightless @flightless
Wana go to the moon? :D

Flightless @flightless
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Raven Kikuhara
Flightless @flightless
Haha thanks ^^ I dnt know how to post pictures on my phone but when I'm home I enjoy using them ^3^ cute things are the best x3

Flightless @flightless
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Raven Kikuhara
Flightless @flightless
mmhmm... so what do u wana talk about :3

Flightless @flightless
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Raven Kikuhara
Flightless @flightless
I work all the time x.x got none left.
and yeah I've never heard of those but I sometimes watch toonami aftermath :o

Flightless @flightless
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Raven Kikuhara
Flightless @flightless
What are the last two about owo I've never heard of em

Flightless @flightless
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Raven Kikuhara
Flightless @flightless
I miss watching toonami q.q it was the best
black bullet was really really good imo I got a wall scroll of it a couple episodes in xD
Sep 30-Oct 2
Sep 28-30
Apr 13-14
Sep 26-28