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PlumKing @plumking
PlumKing @plumking
Happy New Year everyone!

PlumKing @plumking
PlumKing @plumking
Just remembered this site existed. Let's see what's new.
Anime Recommendations

PlumKing @plumking
commented on
Anime Recommendations
PlumKing @plumking

I really can't recommend it enough but if you haven't already checked up Ousama Ranking, please do so. Not only is the story fantastic, but the series itself is visually stunning. It feels like an anime from the 80's while also having that wonderful Ghibli-esque aesthetic.
Pokemon Sun and Moon

PlumKing @plumking
commented on
Pokemon Sun and Moon
PlumKing @plumking
Am I the only one who's bothered that Solgaleo isn't actually part Fire type?