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getemgoodscoob @getemgoodscoob
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getemgoodscoob @getemgoodscoob
oompa loompa

miguel9tails @miguel9tails
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miguel9tails @miguel9tails
Glad to hear your doing well(: Sorry I took so long to respond lol but im doing pretty good aswell.

miguel9tails @miguel9tails
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miguel9tails @miguel9tails
You're welcomed!:) Soo... how are you?
Perverted girls

panda0216 @panda0216
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Perverted girls
panda0216 @panda0216
Yeah, I just wanted to say that cosplayers who dress up as a hot male character whether they're male or female is subject to my pervy thoughts. Lol
San Japan 2014

panda0216 @panda0216
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San Japan 2014
panda0216 @panda0216
Awesome!If I make it then I will make sure to keep an eye out :)