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TXH @angel_goddess
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TXH @angel_goddess
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cassus11 @cassus11
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cassus11 @cassus11
*poof* hi

eml956 @eml956
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eml956 @eml956
hey hows it going?
Any J-POP/-POP Dancers out there with Youtube covers?

Orianthi @orianthi
Any J-POP/-POP Dancers out there with Youtube covers?
Orianthi @orianthi
Anybody out there that also does these dances? For example:
Renai Circulation
Mune Mune Kyun
Luka Luka Night Fever
Massara Blue Jeans
Strobo Nights
Happy Synthesizer
Hare Hare Yukai( of course)
Night of Fire
Ya know, the classics XD I myself enjoy being part of the dance community and love to meet new friends and fellow dancers. My Youtube name is ohmygodninjas if anyone wants to be friends ^ _ ^
Anyone out there got any dances they think are really fun? Anyone out there need a tutorial of a dance? Also, what is your technique for learning said dances?
Do you slow them down?
Do you need them mirrored?
I cannot learn them slowed down, and I absolutely cannot learn them mirrored. I am able to automatically process which side is doing what, so mirrored messes me up bad. I learn them a part at a time, until I have moved all the way through the song. The cutesy ones take maybe an hour or so, but the harder ones with more adult-like movements and complicated choreography take a few hours, but over the course of several days. I learn them best when I learn a good bit, then just replay it in my head until I can remember it comfortably without even hearing the music play.
So what about you?
Anyone in Georgia?

Orianthi @orianthi
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Anyone in Georgia?
Orianthi @orianthi
I am in Georgia and I also have trouble finding Anime lovers =( I have so far only found one and she has a few friends that are into it but other than that nothin.