Anyone in Georgia?

YamiNoTora124 @yaminotora124
Anyone in Georgia?
YamiNoTora124 @yaminotora124
I moved down here with the fam 2 years ago and don't have anyone to hang out with because I came here my Senior year and have nothing to do until I find a college and place to live. Crazy I know but come on! Let's chat =)

Razgriz @razgriz
commented on
Anyone in Georgia?
Razgriz @razgriz
I moved down here from NY with my fam in 07. i know how you feel. Names Marlon nice to meet you

Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
commented on
Anyone in Georgia?
Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
Yeah. I down here and there are NO OTAKU or FUJOSHI here. It's a blasted NO OTAKU'S/FUJOSHI'S LAND here. I can't find anyone, seriously. The only people I came across that were into anime and manga were this couple(not much older than me) and this ONE GUY who watched Inuyasha. That's all he said he watched, for all I know.

Razgriz @razgriz
commented on
Anyone in Georgia?
Razgriz @razgriz
It depends where you guys go. I have friends who are into anime and manga from College. We were even able to create a anime club and its one of the most successful club in the college.

Hirogashi @lonrelic
commented on
Anyone in Georgia?
Hirogashi @lonrelic
yeah I'm from a part of georgia that sounds about like Kaji mentioned haha, I don't know any otaku's near here around my age, just young whippersnappers!

Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
commented on
Anyone in Georgia?
Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
That's kinda what I'm talking about. Everyone here, where I live, are so much younger than me, give or take a few. I totally feel out of place......I just don't belong here. Well, at LEAST the people are nice(to a degree).

Razgriz @razgriz
commented on
Anyone in Georgia?
Razgriz @razgriz
And i thought i felt old. Where are you guys located. East part of atlanta, further south near SC or FL or west side near Alabama or up north near TN and NC

ChefCaleb @calebck23
commented on
Anyone in Georgia?
ChefCaleb @calebck23
Hey, I'm Caleb, I'm no new to GA but to this site. I'm having a hard time meting people in to Anime down here.

YamiNoTora124 @yaminotora124
commented on
Anyone in Georgia?
YamiNoTora124 @yaminotora124
Awesome there are Otaku that live in GA!! This just made me happy!

Hirogashi @lonrelic
commented on
Anyone in Georgia?
Hirogashi @lonrelic
I live in Northeast Georgia near the Athens area I guess its nearer to SC than TN.
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