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Old_Reaper @elder_reaper
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Old_Reaper @elder_reaper
I don't live in hell, but why the random comment?

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
thanks for the request

Lily O'Malley @lilyomalley
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Lily O'Malley @lilyomalley
Thanks for the friend request! Nice to meet you! ʕ•ᴥ•`ʔ
The Darker Side of Japan

✯✟orbital✮core✮drop✟✯ @orbitalcoredrop
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The Darker Side of Japan
✯✟orbital✮core✮drop✟✯ @orbitalcoredrop
but since of all the rebellions going on in america, america had to resort to enslaving people and hiring people in GANGS to assassinate the population gradually more more.
The Darker Side of Japan

✯✟orbital✮core✮drop✟✯ @orbitalcoredrop
commented on
The Darker Side of Japan
✯✟orbital✮core✮drop✟✯ @orbitalcoredrop
listen, America owns japan, its obviously america thats up to something with japan. america took 1/2 of japans land/power/economy away from japan in world war 2. since japan started the war with america, America is basically saying, "you declared war on us so its your fault your our slaves". America also is concerned about the population, ( world hunger and homeless people laying on the streets makes this even worse) the population is growing at an alarming rate, well think, what do you do when population is growing uncontrollably fast, kill the majority have the people, then, leave the rest slaves.