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Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
This account has been suspended.

Aquarius @aquarius
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Aquarius @aquarius
Really hoping you are real, and return soon.

LaPetore @lapetore
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LaPetore @lapetore
Hey oattymeal, I like your profile picture. It's cute.
HEY:) Anyone around Missouri

oattymeal @oattymeal
HEY:) Anyone around Missouri
oattymeal @oattymeal
Yo, yo ,yo (just kidding I am as white as they get) I am wondering if anyone in the Missouri area is on here. I mean anyone, girl, boy, alien, rabid wolf creature... I think you get my point. I am just looking for friends who have similar interests IE anime (hahaha), cosplay, gaming, art, band, music, and whole bunch of other stuff you probably don't care about. And hey maybe we can talk about stuff that I didn't even know exsisted. That is what's fun when meeting new people.. Well, everyone get your game on :D
Pet peeves

oattymeal @oattymeal
commented on
Pet peeves
oattymeal @oattymeal
People who bully others, hardcore grammar mistakes,when people who repeatedly insist on bugging/talking to me when they can CLEARLY see I have headphones in and wonder why I snap at them or ignore them. OH and the number one thing that totally irks me is when someone scraps their teeth against a fork/spoon. The noise drives me insane!