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notalgic @notalgic
notalgic @notalgic
"sips tea" I try but being in two super massive black holes drain you completely

Haku @haku
Haku @haku
a person of culture i see

notalgic @notalgic
notalgic @notalgic
I just binged all these romance anime in two days...Tonikawa:over the moon for you,Komi can't communicate,tomo-chan is a girl,taisho otome fairy tale,the dangers in my heart

notalgic @notalgic
notalgic @notalgic
anime meme frfr

rin_baby @rin_baby
rin_baby @rin_baby
does anyone have any ideas for youtube?

derpster55i @derpster55i i have a few but its all about how much time and effort you want to put into your channel. i hope were on the same page here!?
What game are you currently playing?

notalgic @notalgic
commented on
What game are you currently playing?
notalgic @notalgic
Still Playing League Of Legends even after 10 years ( its a moba) also Old School Runescape
What game are you currently playing?

notalgic @notalgic
commented on
What game are you currently playing?
notalgic @notalgic
League of Legends and no you can never beat it you just continuously play until one day you dont and slowly but surely you get drawn back into it like a supermassive black hole just like Old School Runescape