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Neverland @dakoya
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Neverland @dakoya
Hey man, seems like you're really into huniepop, what is it?

nicoroger @nicoroger
nicoroger @nicoroger
Just bashing one out
What Anime made you cry?

nicoroger @nicoroger
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What Anime made you cry?
nicoroger @nicoroger
Guide on how to date a woman

nicoroger @nicoroger
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Guide on how to date a woman
nicoroger @nicoroger
I need help, my girlfriend of 1 years recently broke up with me. We had been going for quite a while and she seemed to get more interested everyday but then all of a sudden I found out at a Halloween party she had pulled one of my close friends and I just felt so betrayed and lost on what to do so I stormed out've the part. I don't know what to do with myself, I want to get revenge by treating girls like how I was but it doesn't seem to be working and I'm so alone and sad, please help.