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takagi_shiro @takagi_shiro
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takagi_shiro @takagi_shiro
Hey do you want to be friends?

akuxiii @akuxiii She is fake my dude

secret @secret12345678910
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secret @secret12345678910

theodd1stout @theodd1stout
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theodd1stout @theodd1stout
What up beautiful? What you up to?
konichiwaa, world!

jessie @nicechan
konichiwaa, world!
jessie @nicechan
helloooo :) im Jessica Miyazaki! but you can call me jessie. :P
(and no, im not related to a famous person with this last-name! haha )
i've been a member of the site for quite a while, but i dont think ive ever posted an introduction before!
mmkay, so here it goes~! :3
i love anime/manga! especially the art-style. i also love food and video games... erks~, i just realized if i started listing everything i liked, the list would go on forever! x)
so basically, i love everything! but anime & food mostly :3
so if you want to talk sometime, comment here and i'll be sure to message you!
ive talked to a lot of people here, but most of them just want to flirt >.<" i want to have conversations about normal stuff, guys! (whoever it was, please don't send me anymore pictures of your genitals! >:( it's gross and weird!)
sorry if i seem timid or whatever, but i dont like diving into relationships... i like building towards them. ive learned from my mistakes. (still getting through an awful break-up.. :\)
anyway, this is getting tooo long and there's not even a way to preview it! maiotaku staff better get on this! haha >:3
sayonara minna~
What do females like more? Alpha or Beta

jessie @nicechan
commented on
What do females like more? Alpha or Beta
jessie @nicechan
there's pros and cons for both, so.. both?
just be yourself~! :)
though personally, being compassionate means more to me than being confident/manly.. x3