What do females like more? Alpha or Beta

xwant @xwant
What do females like more? Alpha or Beta
xwant @xwant
An Alpha guy, He's like the alpha male, really mucho and ooze confidence but doesn't show much affection often or the complete opposite. A beta guy who shows so much love and care but is sometimes too sensitive to certain things and can get a little clingy.
I've asked because I've been on both ends where I was told, My love is too mucho and other times they said I'm too understanding and I should show I'm jealous sometimes or stuff like that/

OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
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What do females like more? Alpha or Beta
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
..well beta for me i dated a guy like naruto ^^ he was such a goofy goof ball with the curly afro lol but he never fought with me not one time i alway had everything and when i ask him what he want he always reply" whatever you want dear" after 7 years of dating a beta it got boring cause there was never no conflicts..=/ he gave me everything..but i dont know it was like he was more a robot than a boyfriend ^-^" might seem like paradise but it wasnt excitable except for the sex but even that got just a little boring his sweet words always made me clingy to him but he never acted bad or an asshole what so ever he was too perfect soooooooo in short i want a beta whose not clingy in public because it would make me smile until y cheeks hurts and bug me cause it would be painful lol xD im not the clingy public type of gal so beta still because im a brat. and i been spoil rotten thanks to beta soo a macho guy wouldnt understand there be too much conflict

OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
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What do females like more? Alpha or Beta
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
as for jealously it just another way to let them know they want you to stay with them.^__^ and i guess if your really thinking about it every girl and guy want to feel wanted and jealously is a subsitute for that.^^' atleast I think so?so it might not be a bad idea even if you fake it because your not the jealous type it would still make the other lover feel really special.

canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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What do females like more? Alpha or Beta
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
This account has been suspended.

kazzz @kazzz
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What do females like more? Alpha or Beta
kazzz @kazzz
I think both in an good amount is better than one or the other. Alpha for me would piss me of in the end depended on what your confidence is about. That and I don't care for the macho type. But having a strong male that has some confidence in what he wants to do and saying things are gonna be okay and being able to protect your woman is a good thing. For Beta it would drive me crazy if you where always clingy or to sensitive. Its great to show your love and that you care and every now in then to be clingy and you should be sensitive to certain things. I think in the end it depends on who you are with and knowing what your woman wants and having a good equal amount of both alpha and beta.

Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
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What do females like more? Alpha or Beta
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
X3 I prefer Beta~ but I also like it when its balanced not too much mustard nor ketchup

Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
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What do females like more? Alpha or Beta
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
I get a wolfpack vibe from this alpha beta thing.. if such, the beta isnt the caring, sweet underdog, that would be the Omega...
the beta would be the modern alphamale ( if you dont live in a backwater ) a smart guy with an education and headed for great things.
Why the alpha still attracts so much female attention today is a mystery, perhaps females just have very little willpower when hit by a fog of testosterone?
Either way I wouldnt belong to any of those, I'm not a wolf, I'm a jaguar ^^

xueli @xueli
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What do females like more? Alpha or Beta
xueli @xueli
I couldn't deal with a really controlling, high handed guy but at the same time I'm not good with shy, clingy, super sensitive guys either. I don't really believe in the "alpha" mentality or that women all go for assholes. I think people are too complex to boil it down to alpha beta mentality. For me personally, a guy has to be confident in himself, honest to himself and others on what's up, and self-validating. I agree with @kazzz, there has to be a good balance

Lorii @meow_tron
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What do females like more? Alpha or Beta
Lorii @meow_tron
a mix between both is good

rawrriceball @rawrriceball
commented on
What do females like more? Alpha or Beta
rawrriceball @rawrriceball
Hell, I don't know.. A bit of both I suppose.
It's really up to what the female wants. I understand from 19 years of my life that, trying doesn't hurt.
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