deleted @amycrysatlz
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deleted @amycrysatlz
that sounds flippin' AWESOME!!! :D

deleted @amycrysatlz
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deleted @amycrysatlz
you totally be awesome ^^ that homeless dude sounds pretty awesome too lol yes the world would be a harsh place without them. but i do love some of Romney's slogans, like "girls wear tops" & "I'll talk about nothing" haha

deleted @amycrysatlz
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deleted @amycrysatlz
oh my! I never thought of that D: haha

deleted @amycrysatlz
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deleted @amycrysatlz
haha well that sounds pretty awesome :3 my day was kinda slow. I got a new tooth brush,it was pretty awesome haha :D I probably sound really boring now...

deleted @amycrysatlz
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deleted @amycrysatlz
:D yay haha hows it going?

deleted @amycrysatlz
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deleted @amycrysatlz
hello, my name is Amy and If it's not to much trouble I'd like to get to know you better.

chindra @chindra
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chindra @chindra
I love RPG's. Ever need a tester let me know. Currently I am in school for animation but no where near good enough to offer art help. Maybe one day. =).

nesnes @nesnes
nesnes @nesnes
[you look cool to talk]* I didn't quite get that =o. Do you mean like I seem to be the type of person that was built for talking? :o. Well, I have a mouth after all : p.

luffyvsmadara12231 @luffyvsmadara12231
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luffyvsmadara12231 @luffyvsmadara12231
you look cool to talk

nesnes @nesnes
nesnes @nesnes
finished projects? hm... I have yet to find an artist that is willing to work 40 hours a day for free D: (they keep telling me muri /cry). All I have is code + designs using that code, lots and lots of code... I even have a few songs I wrote >.<. Right now, I'm getting into some cool AI stuff + reworking how I do combat systems ; ).