Lunawhitemoon @animelover2015
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Lunawhitemoon @animelover2015
^_^ well.. I am finishing up the remake of sailor moon.

Lunawhitemoon @animelover2015
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Lunawhitemoon @animelover2015
^_^ Thank you. Same here.

♛ᴏᴛᴀᴋᴜ ʜiᴍᴇ♛ @jigzy
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♛ᴏᴛᴀᴋᴜ ʜiᴍᴇ♛ @jigzy
You're welcome and okay ^_^

nekoteto @nekoteto
nekoteto @nekoteto
hi to all my friends how you all been any new anime you been watching the new anime in this month was great which is your new anime favorite and if anyone of you want to chat feel free send me a message so i could chat with you

mvm88miranda @mvm88miranda
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mvm88miranda @mvm88miranda
Thanks for the friend request!

mvm88miranda @mvm88miranda
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mvm88miranda @mvm88miranda
Oh snap, Persona fan in the house :)

Kalea @kalea
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Kalea @kalea
Thanks! :D I actually have more than one Miku plush cuz she's so darn cute.
And there is sooo much to talk about hehe.

nekoteto @nekoteto
nekoteto @nekoteto
how is everyone been i saw all the upcoming anime and it looks great cant wait to watch the new anime so anyone excited on any of the new anime

Kourosake @kour0sake
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Kourosake @kour0sake
Hm, I'll check it out after I'm done with Yamada and the Seven Witches lol

Kourosake @kour0sake
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Kourosake @kour0sake
That's good. Ooh I haven't watched Shokugeki yet, is it worth watching?