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letterbee @letterbee
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letterbee @letterbee
hey there, welcome to MO! hope you will enjoy your stay here :)
If fr the last two months of your life someone had been following you what would they think of you?

nana_vous @nana_vous
commented on
If fr the last two months of your life someone had been following you what would they think of you?
nana_vous @nana_vous
"what the hell is she doing? ",
so funny, lazy,
good animes,
fuck up cartoons,
So many romentic Korean movies huh,
"how much gintamas",
enough with her cat already,
computer again,
why is she studying during the summer?
Water, beach much
Please no more loool
What sort've Anime Fan Are You?

nana_vous @nana_vous
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What sort've Anime Fan Are You?
nana_vous @nana_vous
Loud and proud can't hide it