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29 year old Female
Last online 7 months ago
fredericksburg , VA
godspell @godspell left a comment for Lamby
Sep 05, 22 at 5:50pm
godspell @godspell left a comment for Lamby
Sep 04, 22 at 3:27pm
cat in box
godspell @godspell left a comment for Lamby
Sep 04, 22 at 1:24pm
This manga about an angel coming down to heaven to pick up the soul of a lonely old man. Only to be seduced into staying with him instead. Is fucking adorable
godspell @godspell left a comment for Lamby
Aug 31, 22 at 8:50pm
godspell @godspell left a comment for Lamby
Aug 30, 22 at 6:31pm
Dying garden
godspell @godspell left a comment for Lamby
Aug 29, 22 at 8:42pm
what you up to
Lamby @momoichi reading erotic fanfic. you?
godspell @godspell At home. Been home all day xD My family out. So a couple of my brothers and Lucas are home
Lamby @momoichi aayyyeee party done brother. you got the dogs with you? throw down with em, invite the neighborhood dogs and play some craps, recreate that famous painting
godspell @godspell Lol nah xD we can't. I only have Lucas. Mom took tobey. We have cats that sleep in our gardens that I feed. Idk if they'd want dogs over
Lamby @momoichi whered she take him? awwwwwww take a picture next time you have the chance!! how many? also you got a garden?? can i see that as well??
godspell @godspell like 3 of them. They like sleeping under the bushes. My mom went to visit her brother and uncle. And to get her final shingles shot. But my brothers had school. And I'm tired of drives
Lamby @momoichi k but you said you have a garden. can i see your garden. oh she doesnt have shingles does she??
godspell @godspell No. She got the vaccine for it just in case since her immune system bad. But it's cheaper in Georgia here it's like 200. And yeah my mom has a garden
Lamby @momoichi good, glad shes ok. yeesh, sounds pretty unethical to put a price tag behind a vaccine. lemme see her gardeeeeeeennnnnnnnnn
godspell @godspell Lol its nighttime though
Lamby @momoichi ok ok but tomarrow k? is it a vegetable garden or flowers?
godspell @godspell Ok I got you. She has one side of the house with vegetables. My dad also has one section in the yard for grapes. The rest are flowers in the front door area
Lamby @momoichi hell yeah. grapes?! thats so kool!! i cant fuckin wait that sounds awesome! cant wait til i can start my own garden. imma have a vegetable section and a section of flowers that butterflies and bees like
godspell @godspell lol don't have your expectations too high
Lamby @momoichi too late, im ready for the garden of eden now
Lamby @momoichi yup, there better be flora of every family inside that garden. i expect every shade of green that is visible to the human eye. i expect a ring of toad stool and marble stepping stones throughout and MULTIPLE hedge sculptures. i expect an ivy laced archway leading to a beautiful ivory gazebo where butterflies spend their afternoons and stars gaze down upon it at night. i expect a stone bench that will be shaded beneath a willow tree. i expect atleast one red wood and there better be AT MINIMUM three chipmunk families living within the premises, and if i dont see a deer poking his head through the brush? you dont wanna know what ill do...
godspell @godspell oh no I'm so scared
Lamby @momoichi *grips the hint of my replica katana* you better be kiddo...
godspell @godspell Lol but its not my fault
Lamby @momoichi too bad, bucko. you have 23 hours and 51 minutes.
godspell @godspell damn im on the clock
Lamby @momoichi and its tickin, buddy
godspell @godspell man I wish we could hang lol
Lamby @momoichi what would you wanna do if we did hang out? im boring af, i can only think about the mall (it does have a bookstore though) or the movies
godspell @godspell Those will always be nice. I'd take you to try mini gold. Bowling. Or take you to a nice walking trail
Lamby @momoichi whats mini gold? did your phone autofill golf? bro i fuckin love nature trails, i wanna go on one with a sheet of natives insects and try and find them. the monkey slug caterpillar is native to virginia and FUCK i wanna see one in person
godspell @godspell mini golf yeah. Yeah id like to. But with my skin issue I'd have to wait for it to be cold
Lamby @momoichi iv never been, iv played golf and never got the appeal. what do you like about mini golf? (the computer game versions are fun af though, im a master at them) oh damn, sunscreen doesnt help?
godspell @godspell Well I enjoy the themes like the obstacle courses like shoot into the windmill and pray and stuff like that
Lamby @momoichi is it hard? i find the stance you have to use to play golf awkward
godspell @godspell eh we don't do anything special. Just hit how you want
Lamby @momoichi can i hit it at the other people.....?
godspell @godspell Noooo xD I think that's a rule.
godspell @godspell But the one I go too weekdays are slow
Lamby @momoichi we got one near me at a funland. would you mind if i complained the entire time? cause i probz will. least you can shut me up by beating me with your golf putter
godspell @godspell I dont mind. I'll probably complain too
Lamby @momoichi fuuuuuuck yeah we can bitch loudly and annoy the other guests. that could be our fun
godspell @godspell Lol at least it's outside so it wouldn't be much of a disturbance
Lamby @momoichi fuck that i want the disturbance. our fun will be ruining theirs :D
Lamby @momoichi sorry iv had two coffees today
godspell @godspell Lol I would be happy to see you have fun at least. Also take you to science centers in Nashville hopefully
Lamby @momoichi oh rhats right museums! whats the science center like?? cause iv been to most of the museums in washington dc, so iv been spoiled
godspell @godspell Never been. Never had a reason to since Nashville terrible for driving
Lamby @momoichi wonder what branch of 'science' its based on
godspell @godspell Hmm I remember as a kid it was fun. Definitely wanna eat the good foods
godspell @godspell I like how I find out on Twitter that no game no life author a vtuber. Ah my soul
godspell @godspell left a comment for Lamby
Aug 28, 22 at 11:42pm
Fuck bro. Ep 6 of sandman hurts
godspell @godspell left a comment for Lamby
Aug 28, 22 at 8:40pm
They say dinosaurs still walk among us
godspell @godspell damn no reaction xD
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Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar ill give you time to reply and repond to the request. i know you are probably busy or have mixed feelings about all this.
Lamby @momoichi its kool. i remember shit you told me back in the day and i always kept that in mind. im glad to see your doin better.
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar its been really hard to be honest. i got to a point in my life where i got so jaded and angry about everything that that I let everything take over from inside me.
Lamby @momoichi oh i didnt accept the friend request before not to be petty, i just dont add anyone anymore. i legit got 342 pending friend requests.
Lamby @momoichi what made you feel like this?
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar not knowing how to deal with things. as you know my dad was an alcoholic and my mom was addicted to television. i got really involved in politics to an unhealthy degree and to be honest, scrolling through facebook didnt help, nor did watching youtube videos on the culture war help at all. and I let my emotions take over. I was also really impulsive in the past, and still struggle with impulsivity to this day. and quite often its fucked me over and even caused me to lose the BEST job i had ever had.
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar oh and i didnt think you were being petty. I thought maybe my comment or the friend request was buried or that you were busy
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar tbh ive only recently gotten out of it but its a nice feeling tho
Lamby @momoichi i imagine its hard as well being a man and being unable to express these feelings. or not, and if not then im glad that isnt an issue. i totally get the pipe line stuff, right now i compulsively read the this terf thread and its sometimes hard not to get peaked by their cherry picked screenshots. our opinions are facts to us, and confirmation bias only reinforces that. politics is so visceral and two sided these days, identity politics is drowning everyone.
Lamby @momoichi can you find another job in the similar field? or was it the location/coworkers you liked?
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar well that job isnt the last job i got laid off on. but its whatever. i am currently unemployed. but i am looking and its hard to find a place where im not going to work for an asshole technocrat. i liked the place cuz it was really nice, they were patient with my depression and mental health issues. i just royally fucked up and offered to resign. even tho my co workers were willing to not tell anyone cuz they didnt want to be an asshole. I turned myself in due to the shame of what I did ( and no im not frankly wanting to talk about it). i can probably find a job in a similar field but its going to be hard as ive been laid off like 4-5 times in the last 8 years or so. i can express myself these days but its still somewhat of an issue. its hard to get sympathy cuz everyone expects a man to be proper from day 1 and not talk about how he feels due to old conceptions of american masculinity.
Lamby @momoichi its a buyers market for jobs right now, especially if your in an industry with a high turnover rate. you dont have to add those places youv been laid off from on your resume, lie and make up a reason as yo why that time is blank. i was a neet for an ungodly amount of time and i just explained that and they were kool with it (atleast kool enough to give me a shot). yeah i get the whole toxic masculinity thing, are you in a place where you get get therapy? or even a forum for men who have similar issues (hopefully not one filled with jaded people though)? you gotta let that stuff out, cause it comes out one way or another.
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar if i didnt, then id have large gaps in my resume that HELP me get jobs. first job i had was a grocery store left that for my second job. lost the second job cuz they were looking to downsize and found a somewhat petty way to apply "breach of contract" as a means of firing me. third job (first serious CAD job) i got laid off due to the steel prices. fourth job i got furloughed due to covid and laid off later due to lack of contract work at the shop. fourth job i had for a while but got laid off due to the fact that the industry is moving away from kirksite dies. fifth job i quit before I got fired, 6th job they let me go due to a more qualified person being available that the owner was buddies with and they classified it as a layoff to "help me out" if i didnt put them down id have no work experience. i dont get therapy, i dont have insurance and i dont trust therapists. one of them made me feel like my ex was my conquest and that didnt end well when i flew over to meet her.
godspell @godspell left a comment for Lamby
Aug 27, 22 at 11:33pm
Couldn't find a full body post but hes cool too. All the character designs loom great. Ongoing with 19 chapters 50 pages each