moirasayaka @moirasayaka
moirasayaka @moirasayaka
I want a boyfriend so much to share my love of anime with.I really want a soulmate so terribly

moirasayaka @moirasayaka
moirasayaka @moirasayaka
I have no one to speak to,I have alot of anxiety :( :( :(

moirasayaka @moirasayaka
moirasayaka @moirasayaka
I have alot of anxiety this morning :( :( :(

moirasayaka @moirasayaka
moirasayaka @moirasayaka
Had a very bad fight with my mom this morning about my ex boyfriend,I need someone to talk to :( :( :(

moirasayaka @moirasayaka
moirasayaka @moirasayaka
I have been having bad fights with my mom and my ex is ignoring me at the same time :( :( :( :( :(

moirasayaka @moirasayaka
moirasayaka @moirasayaka
I want a new man my life from this site help heal me.Im so depressed that its making me nauseous

moirasayaka @moirasayaka
moirasayaka @moirasayaka
Im crying with heartbreak and I have a fever at the same time.I really don't feel well.I need to talk to someone, please anyone message any time you like

moirasayaka @moirasayaka
moirasayaka @moirasayaka
Im crying right now,Im not so well.Im crying over my ex boyfriend and my stomach is hurting really badly from all of the anxiety.Can someone please talk to me or message me?Im having a very horrible morning

moirasayaka @moirasayaka
moirasayaka @moirasayaka
My ex breaks up with me again because I cried in front of him and my crying overwhelmed him.Im forcing myself to forget him but Im still healing and crying horribly

david_scarlet @david_scarlet
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david_scarlet @david_scarlet
Sounds like you have been through a rough time. Feel free to message me if you like. I am also on the spectrum so I can understand.