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koszulcia xd @koszulcia
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koszulcia xd @koszulcia
hey :) and thank you for the friend request ^^
Hey there

mikelkun @mikelkun
Hey there
mikelkun @mikelkun
Hey, I've been registered on maiotaku for a while but I kinda forgot about it.
I found it the other day and I thought I would get back to it and try to make some friends with similar tastes.
I hope to get along with you all ^^

mikelkun @mikelkun
mikelkun @mikelkun
Hii everyone, I'm from Spain, but I've been in London for 3 weeks now and I feel like I need people to talk about anime and manga.
I like almost all genres of anime, the ones I've enjoyed lately are romance/slice of live.
My favorite anime is Dragon Ball, though I'm aware that there are better ones.
Anyway, i hope to make friends here and to talk about anime ^^