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28 year old Male
Last online 5 months ago
Jun 05, 17 at 2:45am
Red @redhawk U draw that?
Nini @mikan_kat nope, why?
Red @redhawk Just curious
Jun 05, 17 at 12:35am
https://www.askideas.com/media/21/Cute-White-Japanese-Bobtail-Kitten-Picure.jpg i wanna buy myself a japanese bob tail cat T.T this one looks so cute n sad
Red @redhawk Looks just like you then
Nini @mikan_kat yeaaaaa!!! i found like look alike cat Xd
Jun 04, 17 at 11:19pm
https://68.media.tumblr.com/70293826ad9dcbbf9c0394618ee6a858/tumblr_oquu0rSDrF1qfij7co1_250.gif As I go step by step I’ll become your shadow and protect you It’s blinding my eyes at this moment To me, you’re only like a dream In my empty heart, I fill it with your existence So only yourself can surely come in I’ll only open my doors for you I can’t describe this feeling with any sort of word To a point it’s unimaginable, feels good Your beautiful smile Strangely it draws me in I can’t reject Like fate, it buries inside Open up, open up, open up The heart of the person who’s expanding inside my heart Open up, open up, open up Fill me in with the color of you
Red @redhawk I feel sad
Jun 04, 17 at 11:18pm
Who’s your bias? KANG DANIEL!!! https://68.media.tumblr.com/4c46d374245b65ac65795a6dbfdce335/tumblr_inline_opkcfws6Ky1sduys0_540.gif Who’s your bias wrecker? kang dangho https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/860384521404858368/wZmRdVO5.jpg Do you have the same bias from the beginning? nope -3-, apparently i cant be faithful. there just to many cute guys orz Who’s the cutest trainee? yoo seonho http://pa1.narvii.com/6454/cce26dc46c507fc74dcd04355eef09b92e5e9c4f_hq.gif BABY CHICK!!!!! Who would you let do your makeup? nobody, i feel like the're all horrible e.e maybe jonghyun then, at least he would try his best and not fuck it up. https://68.media.tumblr.com/13a73b31597b62cda7bcf6149fd5a40e/tumblr_or0z5xqMjM1wpiga7o1_500.gif Who’s the first trainee you think about when you see ‘: O’? OH MY GOD!!!! samuel !!! Xd https://i.imgur.com/SnpkhWB.gif If you could save one eliminated trainee (not problematic one’s ty) who would you choose? hong eunki, he deserves better!!!! Who do you think is most similar to you? kenta, we seem to have the same sense in taste. https://68.media.tumblr.com/921230b95793757bd354bc74c446d47b/tumblr_opvm71Ub001w862i1o1_400.gif If you could date 1 of them who would it be? (mind the ages) KANG DANIEL!!!!!!!!! HOLY GOD LET ME MARRY THIS DUDE PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!! https://68.media.tumblr.com/0027b7690f07b424e2bd678bbea58ad1/tumblr_omkblmEdyw1w7iyofo1_500.jpg Is there someone you wouldn’t get along with? (be respectful) hak nyeon his to greedy, he needs to know his own limits. people like that are to dislikeabel. If you could make 1 trainee collab with an idol who would it be and with whom? sewoon!!! he sings so nice ^ his voice is my style. the only prob is that his more into accoustic music and i cant really sing T.T but i still believe we can make a good enought stage if we try hard enought ^^ https://68.media.tumblr.com/537a36e976a00f2aecdecf8f7030caeb/tumblr_opdpdpAh2b1te814mo3_400.gif What’s your top in vocals, dancers and rappers? vocal: jaehwan (of course his main bae for vocals)(literally his vocals are everything!!!!!!!!) dancer: taehyun (this dude can really dance, even better then daniel Xd) ( i really like choragraphy he did for his group) rapper: jonghyun (lol Xd only picking him, cuz im bias. plus idc for the rapper much) http://cfile27.uf.tistory.com/image/25787449590272D7159288 https://68.media.tumblr.com/7a0b90137617fe24a42bb149803a82b5/tumblr_oq8sbfVGtD1qawwwto1_500.gif https://68.media.tumblr.com/b30d4961103e2505a375dc78c3b3b922/tumblr_or0hb4KcvR1wpiga7o1_500.gif Who are the nicest trainees? daniel, moonbok, donghan, jisung, and jonghyun. they always help people and smile so happly (i wanna smile like that too -3-) Who do you admire the most? jonghyun throwt the whole show he just been a sweet angel. T.T why arent people more like him, he dosent even get that many line or spot light in peerformances. he always trys to think of his team first then himself. https://68.media.tumblr.com/13a73b31597b62cda7bcf6149fd5a40e/tumblr_or0z5xqMjM1wpiga7o1_500.gif What’s your favourite brotp/ship? eunki and kenta!!!! brotp af!!!!! What’s your favourite team? sorry sorry team 2!!!! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C_JYfozVwAAsorv.jpg Would you stan the current top 11? nope, they need to kick out does 2 people that i dislike first. If you could say 2 words to your bias what would you say? love u!!!!!!! If you could say 2 words to mnet what would you say? screw u!!!!!! I which my bias was better at…? being understanding of his surrondings, cuz thats why he lacks so much at being a leader Xd sorry https://68.media.tumblr.com/718b03b086826ee17d0a2eca7da3b486/tumblr_oopbj3HFRM1u9pxxeo1_400.gif Who’s the most underrated trainee rn? freaking kenta!!!! he dervers better!!! D : <
Red @redhawk *cringes*
Jun 04, 17 at 11:13pm
1. If you could say something to each member of produce 101 what would it be? it's ok to not make it to the top, cuz at least u tried. thats all that matters ^^ 2. Which member of produce 101 would you go to for comfort? when dong bin had a mini break down, from stage friaght t.t i wish i could help him. that was seriusly the saddest part for me. http://img.kpopmap.com/wp-content/uploads_kpopmap/2017/03/kpop-produce-101-season-2-profile-members-lineup-2017-kim-dongbin.jpg 3. Who is your bias and why? KANG DANIEL!!! ^ CUZ HIS ALMOST PERFECT, HIS THE TYPE OF PERSON I LIKE. https://68.media.tumblr.com/718b03b086826ee17d0a2eca7da3b486/tumblr_oopbj3HFRM1u9pxxeo1_400.gif 4. Who are some of your bias wreckers? kang dongho, kenta, and seonho https://68.media.tumblr.com/3d1fade26870d927abbf6b9a69c0c5ff/tumblr_on8kwlws2Q1qg5nyao2_400.gif 5. Do you get jealous of others being around your bias? Be honest. yuussssssss!!!! ^ always, even the guys. i want him to myself. 6. If you could spend one day with produce 101 what would you do? eat pizza, i loved how happy they were when they eat the pizza boa got them T.T i wanna see there joy again https://68.media.tumblr.com/02f746f034c302467859dc9b3274ddd4/tumblr_oqldsfbnyM1vdmhj5o1_400.gif 7. What three things do you think of when daniel is mentioned? Cats!!!!! shoulders!!!!! bunny smile!!!! https://68.media.tumblr.com/67c53156a823cededec4a703a69affa3/tumblr_oqqok8M1xn1w4u84xo1_400.gif 8. What is your favorite thing about produce 101? everything, but i also hate everything, cuz mnet likes screwing it over Xc 11. If you met produce 101 would you rather have a quick picture with them or a Hi-Touch meeting? picture, im to afraid and shy to talk T.T im fine with a pic 11. Realistically, who would be closest to your ideal type? kang dongho, im actully more into seriuse people u.u im dont like playful people as much, cuz I get irrated to much irl http://68.media.tumblr.com/6304bee0a10a3bd707e5f3ffb6f6ae5d/tumblr_opiyug4Lp31u1669wo2_540.gif 12. Which member of produce do you trust most and why?sewoon or jonghyun, they have a very kind and gentle touch to them. which seem like there very nice n kind. https://68.media.tumblr.com/aff6737b796c90a3163e5385ff7257c9/tumblr_oqzsngtK9G1wp84rio1_400.gif http://i.imgur.com/8O4ATR8.gif
Jun 04, 17 at 11:10pm
Hwang Min-hyun Kang Dong-ho Kang Daniel Arredondo Samuel Ong Seongwu justin Takada Kenta Yu Seonho Lee Daehwi lee woo un Lee gun-hee http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e35/c0.80.640.640/18879840_134414983787610_6259229541823152128_n.jpg https://68.media.tumblr.com/d6062a5ffb46f55272a2a026c4786d30/tumblr_op5dgpOjpX1rimbv1o1_500.gif https://68.media.tumblr.com/9027fdb3b52540e5d38b7ebb21339656/tumblr_op7r52GJH31vl32y9o3_500.jpg https://i2.wp.com/www.kpopscene.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/samuel-kim-01.jpg?fit=720%2C720 http://i.imgur.com/yQNJLu9.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C6g2ayhU4AA6QnE.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/b4/e5/cd/b4e5cd14473f3bdddd497ca7f631da9d.jpg https://68.media.tumblr.com/bc5a23aec94fc6e298630f64b377afca/tumblr_omlkii6saX1vmw3zzo1_1280.jpg https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/17932094_279888052438048_1028003609163333632_n.jpg http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/c236.0.608.608/18513440_1099633066836358_9144715998660657152_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTUxNjAwOTE3MjE5Nzg4NjY5MA%3D%3D.2.c http://img.kpopmap.com/wp-content/uploads_kpopmap/2016/12/produce-101-season-2-profile-members-lineup-2017-lee-keonhee.jpg 1. Between 1 & 9, who would you rather perform together with? Hwang Min-hyun & Lee Daehwi http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e35/c0.80.640.640/18879840_134414983787610_6259229541823152128_n.jpg https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/17932094_279888052438048_1028003609163333632_n.jpg I like both of them, but they have different types from each other. minhyun is more like soothing songs, while daehwi is more happy or upbeat songs. I choose minhyun thou, cuz i feel like his voice is more easier to harmanize with and his color fits me more. 2. Between 6 & 7, who in your opinion is more handsome? Justin & Takada Kenta https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C6g2ayhU4AA6QnE.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/b4/e5/cd/b4e5cd14473f3bdddd497ca7f631da9d.jpg hmmmmmm : / there both are, i really love justins eye brows. there so my type, but kenta in general in more my type in personality wise. can personality be conside handsome too? cuz if it can then kenta wins!!! (plus i love this cute teeth) 3. Between 2 & 5, who would you rather date? Kang Dongho & ong Seongwu https://68.media.tumblr.com/d6062a5ffb46f55272a2a026c4786d30/tumblr_op5dgpOjpX1rimbv1o1_500.gif http://i.imgur.com/yQNJLu9.jpg aughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh orz why do i have to pick between this two, but of course i pick dongho Xd even thou i do love ong sassy personaly and his sarcasm. i still prefer someone like dongho who goes by what he wants and i love how he looks angry out side, but is a super fluff inside. so cute!!!! >3< 4. If 3 & 4 confessed to you, whose confession would you accept? Kang Daniel & Arredondo Samuel https://68.media.tumblr.com/9027fdb3b52540e5d38b7ebb21339656/tumblr_op7r52GJH31vl32y9o3_500.jpg https://i2.wp.com/www.kpopscene.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/samuel-kim-01.jpg?fit=720%2C720 Oh my god!!! this is actully pretty easy Xd samuel is still way to young for me, plus my bias daniel is forever no.1 in my heart Xd if that would ever happen i might as well die from happienes. 5. You have homework due in an hour. Who would you run to for help between 8 and 11? Yu Seonho & Lee Keon-hee https://68.media.tumblr.com/bc5a23aec94fc6e298630f64b377afca/tumblr_omlkii6saX1vmw3zzo1_1280.jpg http://img.kpopmap.com/wp-content/uploads_kpopmap/2016/12/produce-101-season-2-profile-members-lineup-2017-lee-keonhee.jpg another easy one XD seonho is way to young to even know what type of stuff i would know. theres a 4 yr gap between us. plsu keonhee looks smarter Xd like solar (wait is solar even smart?) 6. You need someone to console you after something bad happened. Candidate 8 or 10? Yu Seonho & lee woo jin https://68.media.tumblr.com/bc5a23aec94fc6e298630f64b377afca/tumblr_omlkii6saX1vmw3zzo1_1280.jpg http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/c236.0.608.608/18513440_1099633066836358_9144715998660657152_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTUxNjAwOTE3MjE5Nzg4NjY5MA%3D%3D.2.c why do i keep getting the young ones for stuff like this >.< ill go with seonho he looks like he wound be able to make me happy and looks more soft hearted. I feel like woo jin still dosen't know anything about life. 7. Would you rather have 4 buy you a cat, or 7 buy you a dog? Arredondo Samuel & Takada Kenta https://i2.wp.com/www.kpopscene.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/samuel-kim-01.jpg?fit=720%2C720 https://68.media.tumblr.com/bc5a23aec94fc6e298630f64b377afca/tumblr_omlkii6saX1vmw3zzo1_1280.jpg Ill like to get a dog from kenta ^ i like cats, but i prefer a dog as a pet. they just seems cooler to have. 8. Have number 9 take you to the movies or number 5 take you to the beach to watch the sunset? Lee Daehwi & Ong Seongwu https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/17932094_279888052438048_1028003609163333632_n.jpg http://i.imgur.com/yQNJLu9.jpg OH MY GOD!!! i wanna go with both of them ^ but then u realise u cant swim orz i wanna go swimming with ong thou >3> but daehwi sounds like he would be a lot of fun too. thou i aint much of a movie watcher : / can i just stay home and play with daniel's cats? Xd ok ok. I think i might go with the movie with daehwi, i feel like if i do try to swim with ong his just gonna let me drown like the idiot he is . plus i still need to see more from daehwi, i wanna see what type of person he is ^^
Red @redhawk I lost the will to live
SoCKs @epsilon_52 left a comment for Nini
Jun 04, 17 at 10:14pm
Why can I imagine you touching butts all the time like Sunny from Girls Generation?
Nini @mikan_kat lol Xd why ??? im not even a butt girl, im a chest one *^*
SoCKs @epsilon_52 Gauuuuuuuuu
Nini @mikan_kat ty ty : p
SoCKs @epsilon_52 >3> Koe no Katachi?
Good morning.
Nini @mikan_kat lol Xd i gotta sleep, its so late for me rn
Nini @mikan_kat goodnight : 3
Aurelio @animefan4life left a comment for Nini
Jun 03, 17 at 1:13pm
Aito @its_showtime left a comment for Nini
Jun 02, 17 at 10:12pm