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Coco @yukiasato
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Coco @yukiasato
Hello sweets, I just got this I haven't been on in a while thanks for likeing my animals I just added you. I can send you to my 2 discord just hang out and gaming one. Don't got a rp discord yet.
I'll send you the links in message and welcome to maio

midnightsacra @midnightsacra
midnightsacra @midnightsacra
I haven't played Link Between Worlds before. I've looked into the timeline of Zelda before. If I recall I think there are three. I have played some of the others like Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time. Goodness that series got dark. As for being freaked out by Elfin, I was surprised when it got gruesome as it did. I remember bits from the manga. One of the more shocking moments for me was when the girl with those 20 some odd Vectors survived a missile, if I'm remembering right.

heatherlyn @heatherlyn
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heatherlyn @heatherlyn
Hiya nice to meet you :) link to the past is pretty cool i really enjoyed link between worlds on the 3ds its suppose to be a true follow up sequel to link to the past. I gotta binge on elfen lied again I miss that series. I remember it freaked me out the first time I tried watching it but when fully going through it plus the ova that title is one of my all time favorites ;.; I admit the manga is better though lol

heatherlyn @heatherlyn
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heatherlyn @heatherlyn
Hiya nice to meet you :) link to the past is pretty cool i really enjoyed link between worlds on the 3ds its suppose to be a true follow up sequel to link to the past. I gotta binge on elfen lied again I miss that series. I remember it freaked me out the first time I tried watching it but when fully going through it plus the ova that title is one of my all time favorites ;.; I admit the manga is better though lol
New Here

midnightsacra @midnightsacra
New Here
midnightsacra @midnightsacra
I'm new around here. I'm not good with introductions, somewhat shy, though can be talkative once we get a conversation going. My big issue is I feel I'm boring when talking, despite trying to keep up an interesting conversation x3 overall I was looking for someone who enjoys watching and discussing anime together. Occasionally play games. I'm overall chill though can get excited. My all time favorite two anime would be Yu Yu Hakusho and Gundam Wing, and I like cats and mythology and am Christian.