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The "looking for a relationship" thread

mastergene @mastergene
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The "looking for a relationship" thread
mastergene @mastergene
Yo my name gene I'm not really a shy person and I'm usually pretty open about anything really I have a few hobbies like playing video games, drawing, playing piano, exploring, thinking, helping people when I can, of course anime and manga, and a few other things. But I have downsides everyone does I can be pretty lazy and I do procrastinate but that's mainly I'm trying to get past these flaws of mine so they may change in the future. The main reason I am making this is because I am pretty lonely but I don't want a relationship just to have one I'm here because I'm hoping to have a special bond with someone on here someone who I can always be there for someone to share all of my love with so if you are reading this I have two things to say one I'm sorry for making this so long and two if you seam interested in starting a relationship with me give me a text and if it doesn't work out well I hope we could still be friends ^-^ thank you for reading