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marinblue @marinblue
marinblue @marinblue
Okay so sorry I was off for a while. Basically, we were having money problems and we thought our internet was going to go out until we could pay it. We're getting more money though so I think my internet is safe and things are turning around so yay I can finally come back without worrying! Hey!
PS: I discovered I'm Non-binary

marinblue @marinblue
marinblue @marinblue

Cgrdggddgf I just found an old webkinz plushy I have. His name is Marshmallow Quackers! Say hi XD

正義の味方 @gundamu
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正義の味方 @gundamu
Ah, that's fine. xD You know since you liked stuff like Transformers I think shows from the Brave/Yuusha series might be right up your alley. King of Braves GaoGaiGar would be one thing I'd recommend for sure.
Hi everyone!

marinblue @marinblue
commented on
Hi everyone!
marinblue @marinblue
@Gemma314 ^^ Thank's for the welcome!
Hi everyone!

marinblue @marinblue
commented on
Hi everyone!
marinblue @marinblue
@クワトロ大尉 Thank you!
Yeah!!! I found it some time ago on youtube! I love mecha and I love stories about aliens ending up on earth and them making friends with a human so this seemed like my cup of tea =) I loved it! It's a really great anime in my opinion! ;v; Yeah it's pretty obscure.. (Though it does have its fans! I can find a good bit of content on pixiv of it!)