"Having perfected our disguise, we spend our lives searching for someone we don't fool."
+|wannabe artist|
+|in a perpetually bad mood|
+|probably a sociopath|
I'm not looking to date unless you happen to look like Kanbe Daisuke, so
begone thot.
We can be friends tho, just don't come with ill intentions, I can smell that shit from miles away.
A more comprehensive list of animes I've watched:
+|wannabe artist|
+|in a perpetually bad mood|
+|probably a sociopath|
I'm not looking to date unless you happen to look like Kanbe Daisuke, so
begone thot.
We can be friends tho, just don't come with ill intentions, I can smell that shit from miles away.
A more comprehensive list of animes I've watched: