outlawstarfan23 @outlawstarfan23
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outlawstarfan23 @outlawstarfan23
you should never feel weird or ashamed about expressing your interest whether it be dorky or not . I find women who share geeky side more often are more well rounded as people not to mention sexier, so feel free to express that side more often this definitely the the place to do it.

yesitrepeats @yesitrepeats
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yesitrepeats @yesitrepeats
Certainly an unicorn. Not many women I know like Berserk. So kudos. Top score.

Archan @archan
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Archan @archan
please please don't be the last unicorn princess we need more lol XD

kyru @kyru
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kyru @kyru
hey how are you?

Xasoraen (kacey) @sailehallow
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Xasoraen (kacey) @sailehallow
Welcome to the site, :) I love Korean dramas and I'm learning or trying to learn Korean as well. :) hope you enjoy it here.

setsuryu @setsuryu
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setsuryu @setsuryu

HyperCade20 @hypercade20
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HyperCade20 @hypercade20

N/A @thecordcutter
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N/A @thecordcutter
Hi! I know you've gotten this a bunch already but Welcome!
I heard you were shy but you'll fit right in here I'm sure.

Aka-san @redhawk
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Aka-san @redhawk
Hey there and welcome to the site ms lastunico ^^
You shouldn't worry to much about that sideo of yours. Your among friends here, just be yourself and have fun ^^

swhaw @swhaw
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swhaw @swhaw
You shouldn't think of that side of yours as something to be nervous about.