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pann_am @panza
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pann_am @panza
Omg for a split second I thought migi looked like a minion from despicable me XD But over all it's actually not as bad as I thought lol Good job Japan lol. And knitting is awesome! I knit too (although I'm really lazy with it lol) I've made a couple of hats. It's pretty relaxing lol.

Mittz @eekyboy
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Mittz @eekyboy
haha yeah I am Canadian but I have a decent amount of money :p but my money will cost you to kiss me on the cheek hue I don't have much friends to go with actually none haha but I would like to go to one someday

Amrod @amrodcalanor
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Amrod @amrodcalanor
Yeeeessss, all the pumpkin pies and turkeys from thanksgiving and christmas combined. Need to get all of that out haha.
Good luck! I just need 5 more lbs and Im done. Then I can start the weight lifting.
Tokyo Ghoul Root A Episode 1

Kumaturtle @kumaturtle
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Tokyo Ghoul Root A Episode 1
Kumaturtle @kumaturtle
Disappointed....Idk what the author is trying to do but the opening is boring compared to the first one. The ending is really good though (I'm talking about the art and the song). I wish the author just followed the manga..
But I will still watch the whole season.

Kumaturtle @kumaturtle
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Kumaturtle @kumaturtle
I wanna go to NYC this summer and visit the maid cafe
My city's too boring to open a maid cafe. Only 1 university does it as a free event once a year -_-