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krgroseclose @krgroseclose
krgroseclose @krgroseclose
Thanks for setting this up! :)
Discord users

Coco @yukiasato
Discord users
Coco @yukiasato
21+ only allowed here. This is a hangout, gaming, dating server all is welcome just be sure your 21 and up.
Read the rules and sign them to gain access to the server.
Please pick your roles and keep the talking in the correct channels thank you!.

krgroseclose @krgroseclose
krgroseclose @krgroseclose
Clearly photoshopped. Cats are much bigger than that! :p
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Ghost @kuharido
commented on
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Ghost @kuharido
Hello everyone!

krgroseclose @krgroseclose
Hello everyone!
krgroseclose @krgroseclose
Veteran weeb checking in! What has everyone's experience here been so far?
I'm always open to new friends, but finding a fellow weeb SO is another goal that seems to be impossible. XD