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konextrax @konextrax
konextrax @konextrax
No Valentine, I cuddle squishmallow to compensate

konextrax @konextrax
konextrax @konextrax
Sooo, after research, I think I’m a Golden Retriever

konextrax @konextrax
konextrax @konextrax
Bruvs, friend me on steam, I need to build up the squad
My username is Konextrax
Which game would you guys say has the best lore?

konextrax @konextrax
Which game would you guys say has the best lore?
konextrax @konextrax
I know FNAF might get blown up but if you really think about it, what game would you say has the most captivating lore. Like for example, the Resident Evil franchise is really having me dig into it's history, and with Undertale, each character seems to have their own backstory you can look into.
Idk, just wanna hear some thoughts