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Coco @yukiasato
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Coco @yukiasato
Sorry for the long message. If you got discord we can talk on discord dms. To make it easier

Coco @yukiasato
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Coco @yukiasato
I'm sorry I took a bit to reply. I just replied to you.
How to get otaku girl?

kitsunemimi418 @kitsunemimi418
commented on
How to get otaku girl?
kitsunemimi418 @kitsunemimi418
In my experience, being myself and doing the stereotypical things(getting into better shape, having good hygiene, making them laugh, try to be confident, etc) helped getting me two of my otaku girlfriends. I'm currently looking for another partner after 6 years and I know it's frustrating trying to find somebody when you're lonely. However, like most things in life, good things take time and you've got to be patient to find that special someone. Don't act desperate and don't be willing to settle on somebody that doesn't love you or respect you( voice of experience.) Don't be afraid of rejection and give it your best effort. You strike out this time, no biggie, you tried and you're no worse off than before. Who knows, that certain somebody might find you.