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Bye @metalarmwitch
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Kite Atomsku
Bye @metalarmwitch
Yeah I do play Genshin. : )
I gotta plan a day to jump back to the game again myself, I'm currently somewhere on the Geo Archon chapter of the main story.

Kite Atomsku @kiteatomsku I stockpiled primogems for the longest time and now
I'm gearing up to do a massive pull. How ever I'm still really low adventure level.
So I'm working on that this week lol

Bye @metalarmwitch
left a comment for
Kite Atomsku
Bye @metalarmwitch
Hi. (•_•)/

Kite Atomsku @kiteatomsku Hey! what is up! Heard you're into genshin. Just got back on that myself lol

Kite Atomsku @kiteatomsku
Kite Atomsku @kiteatomsku

its been a loooong time, Maiotaku.

エックザック @ekkuzakku Welcome back bro!