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kazuma413 @kazuma413
kazuma413 @kazuma413
Hey guys long time no see. How is everyone?? Side note. Random question. Does the name Sotoya ring a bell to anyone? At all?

kazuma413 @kazuma413
kazuma413 @kazuma413
Haven’t been on here in months how’s everyone being

hentai420 @hentai420
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hentai420 @hentai420
lets become freiendszzzz ^^'
Anyone from Springfield Massachusetts?

kazuma413 @kazuma413
commented on
Anyone from Springfield Massachusetts?
kazuma413 @kazuma413
It is always nice to know there's fellow otaku's around. Ain't that the truth :)

kazuma413 @kazuma413
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kazuma413 @kazuma413
I confess I start my first job Monday and I'm terrified