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Biggest Anime Disappointment?

Sugoi_JZX @jzxproject92
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Biggest Anime Disappointment?
Sugoi_JZX @jzxproject92
I would say Akame GA kill... decent anime but the ending I wouldn't say crap but could've ended better. Or should've had a different ending in my opinion.
What is the most traumatizing fucked up Anime you ever saw

Sugoi_JZX @jzxproject92
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What is the most traumatizing fucked up Anime you ever saw
Sugoi_JZX @jzxproject92
I don't really get traumatized but I guess I can say School days.. not scary or anything but that ending was fucked up and crazy.. an ending you would never see coming.. he deserved it though..
Ohh.. and Boko No Pico.. what has been seen cannot be unseen