Biggest Anime Disappointment?

MadokaMimi @madokamimi
Biggest Anime Disappointment?
MadokaMimi @madokamimi
Anyone ever gone through that disappointment of watching a anime and falling in love with it, just to get a crappy ending? What about getting super hyped for an anime based off of something you love just to watch it flop? I've gone through this with the ending of Deadman Wonderland and I had such a big hype for Mekakucity Actors(I'm a huge Vocaloid fan and IA is one of my favorites)just to get to the last episode to be like "What the hell was that and why did I just waste all that time?" I was just curious if anyone else has gone through this and what anime it was so I can totally avoid it happening again! XD

Penna @penna
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Biggest Anime Disappointment?
Penna @penna

MadokaMimi @madokamimi
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Biggest Anime Disappointment?
MadokaMimi @madokamimi
Wait...Really? How so? O.O

Penna @penna
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Biggest Anime Disappointment?
Penna @penna
I'm kind of a critic and when it came to Madoka, I saw the first episode and was SUPER hyped! It looked awesome!! The animation was beautiful, the style was dynamic and I love magical girl series. (Nanoha's one of my favorite anime ever)
I thought I'd found something special. But then... my writer instincts started coming in around episode 6 or so... I started asking questions. And things started bothering me.
It urked me that they were given this power to fulfill ANY WISH and they end up using them on god awful things. Instead of gaining the ability to heal any wound, you ask to heal someone once? I felt like the characters were being written stupid for the sake of plot device. People would make the argument that "Well they're just children!" But that never satisfied me even a little bit. In fact the younger I'd been, the more absurd my imagination was. Things like asking for infinite wishes. (Which obviously was against the rules but still, the logic was sound)
I am aware that they do go into this "vaguely" in the series about how the strength of your wish is dependent on how much weight your existence has on the universe, but they never really come out and say that nor do the girls even make an effort to attempt a wish that goes beyond their potential. The whole thing just seemed like a giant elephant in the room after that.
The mood of the anime wasn't bad but there were things that I thought were just kind of stupid. Like how much everyone was panicking through the series about things but really making almost no effort to change anything. ESPECIALLY MADOKA, who is by far the most useless main character I've ever seen. (Yes I am aware she becomes god level, but it's pretty ridiculous how, and why she hadn't ever tried it before) That and how everyone was panicking about how their soul was in this gem now. I mean, sure, shoulda been notified beforehand but freaking out about it doesn't help nor is it really "that" big of a deal. Your soul was stuck inside your head before. Now it's just in a gem.
The entire point of the storyline focuses around "problems with no solutions" and this stupid cat who literally has the ability to "grant any one wish". It's so blatant it hurt my face. And yet they all mess it up. You could argue that they "couldn't" just wish for it. But they never attempted. And what's even worse, that's how it gets resolved. Finally someone points at the huge blaring solution and says, "Oh hey. Let's do this!" And IT WORKS. Like hallelujah! I wanted to smack the writer so badly.
What's even worse is that the ending was so confusing and with no real explanation. It wasn't like this was all for a payoff or bringing back something that we'd missed or that it was really awesome and courageous. Nope. Just obvious deus ex machina ending.
I was really pissed off.
Now granted, the animation is still spectacular and if you watch it purely for that aspect, it's really great. But the second the story gets in the way, I just want to throw my TV/Laptop. It was the biggest disappointment I'd ever experienced in anime history.

MadokaMimi @madokamimi
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Biggest Anime Disappointment?
MadokaMimi @madokamimi
Oh my...Well you do have to remember that they were 14 year old girls basically. As for the healing thing, she wouldn't be able to ask for the ability to heal because then she could only use it in her magical girl form, and she'd have to be in the witch's labyrinth in order to use it. They all also made wishes based on circumstance. Mami had no ability to wish for anything else due to the fact that she was on her death bed as it was. I do also believe that Sayaka's wish was dumb but the heart wants what it wants right? Shes a young girl in love. As for Madoka, she wanted to save everyone and that's why her power became so strong. She had love from everyone and wanted to save them from their burden. Homura, wanted to save her friend from dying. Her friend that meant more to her than anyone else, the one who she loved. Have you watched the movies?

Penna @penna
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Biggest Anime Disappointment?
Penna @penna
Yes. In hopes it'd redeem the series. But it really didn't. Again, whether they were 14 or not is kind of inconsequential. They're more mature than the majority of adults I've met. The way they speak is pretty good proof of this. And the fact that their wishes can affect the real world and not just the witch's labyrinth is apparent since that's just what the wishes do. So there's literally no reason it couldn't become an innate ability, separate from their magical girl powers.
Mami, yeah. That's not a big deal. I can understand that. But everyone else didn't really have much excuse. And power for Madoka's wish came from the compilation of Homura's time traveling effects, stacking on top of Madoka, making her existence mean more to the universe. Not because of her emotions. In fact her emotions are kind of pointless to the entire series.
The series just isn't balanced in general. I mean, Homura gains the ability to time travel for god sakes. Like... that's super broken as it is. She can literally revert the entire universe. And what was her existence? Pretty much meaningless when she gained that ability. I don't really buy that a wish like, "Make it so that we don't turn into witches" is impossible. But instead, they don't even bother and just cry and whine.

MadokaMimi @madokamimi
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Biggest Anime Disappointment?
MadokaMimi @madokamimi
That's kind of true. I don't think they ever did state why Homura gained the whole "all powerful time travel" magic. It was a bit too much. And I know that part of it was Homura's fault that she became super powerful but Kyubey did say it was the emotions of the teenage girl that fueled his planet or whatever. Madoka also made a few different wishes depending on what timeline she was in. Not every wish was the one she used to end the war against witches. She also wished to:
~Save a cat whom had just died in front of her in the first timeline.(This might explain the cat in the opening)
~Either save Homura from Walpurgisnacht or obtain the power to defeat Walpurgisnacht in the fourth timeline.
~Save Sayaka in the timeline from The Different Story.
~Release magical girls in the past and future from their cursed fate of becoming witches in the penultimate timeline before the new world.

Penna @penna
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Biggest Anime Disappointment?
Penna @penna
That opening is also a huge lie. I felt lied to...
Really, I just feel like the entire series' story is just a stretch. Any idiot in the real world would ask to solve all the problems at once. Especially if you had only one wish. That was kind of the broken premise in the first place.
I might have been able to swallow it better if it was something more like... Madoka tried to make a wish that would save everyone in the beginning but was told she didn't have enough power to make that wish and then they spent the rest of the anime with the others and witches interfering trying to find a way to make that wish come true. Like... having a story about working to get Homura's time travel ability and then using it "somehow" to purposefully maximize out Madoka's power to remove all witches. That woulda been cool! I could have totally gone for it and it would have all made sense.
But nope. Just... crying... fighting amongst themselves... ... figuring it out by accident.

MadokaMimi @madokamimi
commented on
Biggest Anime Disappointment?
MadokaMimi @madokamimi
In my opinion, there's a secret message behind Madoka Magica and growing up. In the real world, you can't wish to solve all your problems at once and expect them to become true. Sometimes things don't always go as you expect them to. Sometimes people stab you in the back(Her killing Mami when Mami went on the rampage and killed Kyoko). It truly depends on how you see it. As a teenage girl, I can see past the things that you're judging and understand it honestly and see some secret messages that the anime may have portrayed. Everyone sees the world differently whether it be in monochrome or in color, and that sir, is why our opinions differ. ^.^ I hope you didn't feel like I was fighting you over your opinion, because I didn't make it to seem that way. I am accepting of all opinions but I thought I would throw in a little of my input as well~

Penna @penna
commented on
Biggest Anime Disappointment?
Penna @penna
Nah. I agree that opinions are opinions. There's no reason to fight over them lol. I mean no disrespect towards anyone who likes the series.
I have a very logical mind and I find things most entertaining when they make sense. It's those kinds of things you take out of the stories after you've read them and have to apply them to yourself, like... how would I do in this situation. But it's really hard to do that when there's huge gaps in the story. It makes it less enjoyable I find.
In this case, sure, there is definitely some symbolism here between people and life. The meaning of the soul and how precious some things we cherish are. But I personally just feel like it wasn't portrayed very successfully here. I could have even accepted it if it was a tragic ending and they found there was nothing they could do, and everything ended up falling apart. It literally wouldn't have bothered me if they didn't even get wishes. It was really just that everyone "wished for things to get better" and no one "wished for everything to get better" except at the ending when everything was resolved by "wishing for everything to get better." It's times like that that I feel like the writer is treating the audience like idiots and I don't stand for that at all.
Anime is unique in its ability to be truly just emotion, no matter what it is. Even Gurren Lagann makes no sense, but it's consistent in what it's trying to say to its audience.
Madoka isn't the worst anime I've ever seen but it is kind of a failure at being great I think. It's why I was so disappointed. I think it had greater potential.
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