cloud87 @cloud87
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cloud87 @cloud87
& if i want more advance membership i have to subscribe to their mailing list & if i don't want to then don't subscribe to their mailing list :)?

cloud87 @cloud87
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cloud87 @cloud87
But that's gonna cost me some money yearly

cloud87 @cloud87
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cloud87 @cloud87
To be sure if i followed you correctly it's free to sign up but however if i want even more advanced membership to get the other stuff what you said of An additional discount of up to 10% off our already low prices!*
Discounts on select figures!
Priority Order Processing!
A monthly coupon to save even MORE on your orders
Access to members-only special promotions!
Extended, 60-day period for returns
Much MORE coming soon! i have to do prmeinum mode is that what you meant just to be sure :)?

cloud87 @cloud87
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cloud87 @cloud87
Do i have anything to worry about is it free to create a account on rightstff like Amazon :)?

cloud87 @cloud87
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cloud87 @cloud87
Dude i don't know if this is too late to feel this way but rightstuff is 1 of my other favorite sites to shop at other then Amazon even though i never shopped on there before yet :).
& also thanks for kinda in a way you remind me to create a account on there & plus don't worry rightstuff will be 1 of my resources to shop at when & if i want to buy anymore in my collection so thanks again for your opinions :).

cloud87 @cloud87
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cloud87 @cloud87
Desert punk you guys were talking about i haven't seen it and i saw it on Amazon for sell i haven't decided yet if i should get it i admit it looks like it's any good and it sounds like it's any good do you think i should get it in my collection?
& do you think I'll love it :)?

Animekid @animekid
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Animekid @animekid
They're still eliminating clues even now. Apparently you need to visit many different sites but you'll ONLY be able to see then if you follow them. There's no way I'm going to bother with making a twitter, instagram, tumblr AND whatever else JUST for that.....

Animekid @animekid
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Animekid @animekid
All we can do. Especially since we have many clues but almost no idea what direction to go. I'll wait a few more days and see if they say anything else.

Animekid @animekid
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Animekid @animekid
It really is. I'm backed up on my reading currently xD
So what are your thoughts on the klue contest? Do you think they'll release more hints? As far as I'm aware they've only told us 2 places, weapons (etc) that they know aren't the culprit.

Animekid @animekid
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Animekid @animekid
Yeah I know. I checked their Facebook page and it said there as well that today will be the last day that new items will be added. They did say that limited time and daily Mega deals will continue which is what they did last year near the end of their sale. I guess I will go through and try and we went out but maybe I'll wait until tomorrow to put an order in. It's possible that one of their mega-deals my interest me and then it would stink not to be able to get it with free shipping because I already ordered everything but I doubt that a mega-deal will catch my eye that badly.