"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh
"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh


"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh
"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh
I am at loss for words...

Ghost @kuharido
left a comment for
Highway Curly
Ghost @kuharido

Ghost @kuharido @jolyne_cujoh

Ghost @kuharido Let him explore.

"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh
"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh
Ah, Yes, This is what I did when I first got the Jojo all star battle R game, I just kept spamming with WoU until I won
Video Game Memes

Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
Video Game Memes
Aka-san @redhawk

"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh
"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh
Its easy, and the clicking sound are relaxing, expecially when we rage out and smash out heads on the keyboard until we lose our shit, or is that part just me?...

kenjiendou @kenjiendou
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"Theres a bug on the ground-"
kenjiendou @kenjiendou
Elektrojude (Electro Jew) = TV

"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh
"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh
What is a Cooking w Kaya/Kya??

kenjiendou @kenjiendou
left a comment for
"Theres a bug on the ground-"
kenjiendou @kenjiendou


"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh
"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh

So.....Can we make it possible??...I would love to actually have my birthday with A Real One...(May 14th)

Gabriel @gabriel_true My birthday is May 31 and apparently Benjamin Boom Boom does too.
Well at least I share the exact same birthday as Clint Eastwood and Garnt (Gigguk) from Trash Taste.

"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh
"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh

I'm still screaming my head off and running out my room, that is, if the spider isnt 'cute' to my liking... Take for example:
♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ♥ Music ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪

meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
commented on
♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ♥ Music ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985

The first TikTok video I saw that had the same popular song "snowfall".

meisterman1985 @meisterman1985 I let spiders come in my home to catch flies for me.

"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh
"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh
I'll start...

Highway Curly @forgetmenot
Highway Curly @forgetmenot
Ahem... anyways, part 4 list when?