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Last online about 1 hour ago
Nov 05, 23 at 2:38pm
I thought being stupid and annoying was your speciality or are you just the specialist special needs kid out there
Nov 05, 23 at 2:35pm
shit talkIng is my specialty btw!
Nov 05, 23 at 2:37pm
You buy any rittersport chocolate? I used to love those, havent done trick or treating since i was 6 maybe idk dknt remember.
Nov 05, 23 at 2:33pm
yeeee but i always buy my choccy myself cause i can be very picky, not every choccy is good choccy once said the wise goddess of chocolate. i probably only went trick-or-treating once when i was like 8 or smth?? but i'll still take all the sweets!
Nov 05, 23 at 10:10am
Man i wqnna puke and stop thinking @_@
Nov 05, 23 at 8:57am
Ahh well have to know you better to understand how you are which just takes time lol. Yeah wanna just shit talk each other then pfthahaha. You good, I deleted all of my discords too. I actually never played the other ones but you getting me curious if i should buy it myself. I grew up with paper mario on 64 so ill def be buying thousand year door cause I never played that one but beat the og and Super paper mario.
ell @mochibi left a comment for .
Nov 05, 23 at 3:16am
ugh the "miss" part ofc wasn't meant to be serious in that kinda way, just me being sarcastic as always. although i think it's kinda tough to go that 'strangers to real friends or smth'-path through minimal messages like that anyway. deleted that discord acc btw bc it was annoying to switch between my private one and that one all the time so sorry for that. mario wonder is really fun, especially when you've played the the other bros. parts as well. they really did a great job with that one. i'm probably gonna buy the rpg one as well bc i'm such a sucker for nostalgia and nintendo games :-(
ell @mochibi left a comment for .
Nov 05, 23 at 3:16am
ugh the "miss" part ofc wasn't meant to be serious in that kinda way, just me being sarcastic as always. although i think it's kinda tough to go that 'strangers to real friends or smth'-path through minimal messages like that anyway. deleted that discord acc btw bc it was annoying to switch between my private one and that one all the time so sorry for that. mario wonder is really fun, especially when you've played the the other bros. parts as well. they really did a great job with that one. i'm probably gonna buy the rpg one as well bc i'm such a sucker for nostalgia and nintendo games :-(
Nov 05, 23 at 1:22am
Bro really said blowing gods bubble lmao
Nov 05, 23 at 1:20am
I mean tried to be nice also we barely talked even on discord soo itd hard to.miss a stranger lmao. Mario wonder does look fun, im tempted to.buy the mario RPG remake actually.
ell @mochibi left a comment for .
Nov 05, 23 at 1:14am
i feel offended, ngl, truly, for real. you could've said wooow i'm glad your stupid ass is back but yikes this hurts my feelings. no wonder no one wants to play mario kart with you. wonder is the keyword btw! i bought mario wonder and the elephant is my spirit animal hihi you're missing out
. @joemama711 Its 1 am rn and my.brain go.brr
ell @mochibi left a comment for .
Nov 05, 23 at 1:14am
i feel offended, ngl, truly, for real. you could've said wooow i'm glad your stupid ass is back but yikes this hurts my feelings. no wonder no one wants to play mario kart with you. wonder is the keyword btw! i bought mario wonder and the elephant is my spirit animal hihi you're missing out
Nov 05, 23 at 1:05am
I mean I could have just said " You talk in such a autistic way that its easy to point out" who you are dumbass lol. Playing mario games without friends sounds pretty pointless to me.
ell @mochibi left a comment for .
Nov 05, 23 at 1:00am
asdfghjkl idk if this IS a compliment or if i should be creeped out. but only normies abandon mario kart and all the pain it brings. detective conan goodbye, i was right from the beginning and the case is solved!
ell @mochibi left a comment for .
Nov 05, 23 at 1:00am
asdfghjkl idk if this IS a compliment or if i should be creeped out. but only normies abandon mario kart and all the pain it brings. detective conan goodbye, i was right from the beginning and the case is solved!