Emiko Sachiko Kai @kogimon
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Emiko Sachiko Kai @kogimon
Good :) hey why don't you have pic of you?
jinchuriki @jinchuriki
jinchuriki @jinchuriki
That's fine. There are some good rap and country.
Emiko Sachiko Kai @kogimon
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Emiko Sachiko Kai @kogimon
I like Karmin and Cher lloyd kind of rap and some of B.o.B do you mind if I do?
Emiko Sachiko Kai @kogimon
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Emiko Sachiko Kai @kogimon
everything except a few thing when I can't understand screamers and when rappers just rap about drugs. What about you?
Emiko Sachiko Kai @kogimon
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Emiko Sachiko Kai @kogimon
Except for writing stories I'm not that good at that :/
Emiko Sachiko Kai @kogimon
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Emiko Sachiko Kai @kogimon
Love all that you just said :)
Emiko Sachiko Kai @kogimon
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Emiko Sachiko Kai @kogimon
other than the obvious I like to play/take care of animals, sing!, draw, dance, write songs, rap, I like fashion,I like some girly stuff and a lot more that don't come to mind right away what about you?
Emiko Sachiko Kai @kogimon
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Emiko Sachiko Kai @kogimon
Same :/ it's really frustrating =___= it keeps saying random stuff and its sooo slow
Emiko Sachiko Kai @kogimon
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Emiko Sachiko Kai @kogimon
That is freaking awesome <3 ! XD
jinchuriki @jinchuriki
jinchuriki @jinchuriki
Awesome. What are your thoughts on Naruto?