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23 year old Male
Last online about 4 hours ago
Sunbae @alanzd left a comment for Remmy~
Jun 21, 16 at 6:33pm
To each their own for sure! It's just that the cold is cozier for more people because they can burrito themselves in their bed
Sunbae @alanzd left a comment for Remmy~
Jun 21, 16 at 6:22pm
If it is too hot, I also think that I would die haha. But I prefer the heat because I can still move if it's hot. I can't when it's cold
Sunbae @alanzd left a comment for Remmy~
Jun 21, 16 at 5:53pm
I can't stand the cold. I would die immediately. I'm used to living in southern california
Sunbae @alanzd left a comment for Remmy~
Jun 21, 16 at 5:30pm
In Southern California yesterday, it was close to 43 celcius. And it was just the first day of Summer.....
PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup Please don't post things like this! :( 43? :( :( :( I don't want to come back home now! Spain is pretty similar to San Diego...well beach side at least!
Sunbae @alanzd It's actually not too bad in San Diego haha. SD is usually the coolest place in SoCal, away from all the deserts....
PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup Oh really? I didn't know that. I've only been there for the last 4 yrs. Last year was miserable tho! :/ I hope it is nice when I get home! :)
Sunbae @alanzd left a comment for Remmy~
Jun 21, 16 at 5:19pm
There are so many places in Europe that I'd like to visit. But it's cold and cloudy there, so I might not actually go.... I'm a person that needs the sun to stay alive
Sunbae @alanzd left a comment for Remmy~
Jun 21, 16 at 4:29pm
Well then, I might have to go visit near the end of the year around Christmas time with my family! I'll have to convince them to change to Sweden from Germany, though. But the two aren't far apart if you compare them to the states
Sunbae @alanzd left a comment for Remmy~
Jun 21, 16 at 4:11pm
I actually searched up pictures of Linkoping (I couldn't make the accent on the O like you). It looks beautiful. Is all of Sweden like that?
Sunbae @alanzd left a comment for Remmy~
Jun 21, 16 at 4:04pm
I'm guessing this would be your first con? Have fun haha and plan ahead. Usually there are a bunch of panels to go through, so if you find a FE panel, do it!
Sunbae @alanzd left a comment for Remmy~
Jun 21, 16 at 3:29pm
I'm guessing you live near there then? Then again, everything in Europe is next to each other. You guys are so lucky
Sunbae @alanzd left a comment for Remmy~
Jun 21, 16 at 3:19pm
I found one in Linkoping that's happening at the end of next month! it's called narcon Sommar