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igodrako @igodrako
igodrako @igodrako
Who's going to AnimeExpo this year?! o:

eneleak @eneleak
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eneleak @eneleak
what up XD

eneleak @eneleak
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eneleak @eneleak

igodrako @igodrako hey!
Your Past Breakup Causes

igodrako @igodrako
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Your Past Breakup Causes
igodrako @igodrako
1.) I was going threw things so wasn't able to focus on any relationships.
2.) She Cheated on me
3.) She suffered and injury which caused partial memory loss, regained but happens again at times ( triggered by stress). became an on/off relationship
4.) too clingy wasn't given any space. basically made me not care about it anymore
only placing the longer ones not the short ones
Anyone in CA?

igodrako @igodrako
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Anyone in CA?
igodrako @igodrako
I'm from San Fernando Valley right about LA