Karma is a B so if you get her to cheat on her man with you then how could you ever have trust in her not doing the same thing while you're with her? I always feel you should treat others as you like to be treated yourself and relationships are no different. Whatever the case is I feel its best she makes the choice and ultimately you'd be better off waiting till she ends it with her man for you. Good luck!!
This is an interesting question and I guess it will differ GREATLY from a cultural perspective. Having been born in South America, I have been exposed to women who are more aggressive towards getting what they want and that includes asking men out. I am no stranger to this and I can see it as its OK to go about it both ways. Guys ask girls or girls ask guys. From the point of view of lets say, not wanting to waste time, then sometimes its better to take a chance than to regret it forever. God knows I've been there Sonic but once you become the "friend" you'll fall into the friend zone and most likely for good. Then you'll always regret not having made your choice and always wondering... What if? I think in life you need to take chances, be brave, ultimately what is the worst that can happen?