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i1ie2muuch @i1ie2muuch
left a comment for
Minoru Imotasu
i1ie2muuch @i1ie2muuch
hey how are u want 2 be friends

kristinetime @kristinetime
left a comment for
Minoru Imotasu
kristinetime @kristinetime
you can still go to college.
can't you? =/

kristinetime @kristinetime
left a comment for
Minoru Imotasu
kristinetime @kristinetime
how come your aunt wants to kick you out?=/
Katekyo hitman reborn

Minoru Imotasu @hoshizora
commented on
Katekyo hitman reborn
Minoru Imotasu @hoshizora
Sweet!! Really? I hope to see at least a preview soon ^^
I don't know what I can do...! T_T

Minoru Imotasu @hoshizora
commented on
I don't know what I can do...! T_T
Minoru Imotasu @hoshizora
I did, it just seems to me like she is ignoring me now.. Which is strange because she could have just removed me from her friends list if she really wanted to never talk to me again.