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Korded @korded left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 26, 11 at 12:25am
What's pan's labyrinth? And I love Grandma's Boy<33
Korded @korded left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 26, 11 at 12:24am
From Darker then black? I cant seem to find anything else:/
Korded @korded left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 26, 11 at 12:22am
Bubblier O.o? I love anything with a nice beat or rhythm. Hmmm, I'd have to say SuckerPunch, Waterboy, and Happy Gilmore. Howz about chu?
Korded @korded left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 26, 11 at 12:20am
Sid vicious?
Korded @korded left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 26, 11 at 12:17am
Yea ill definetly check them out^-^ And it is fun, painful on the thumbs but bloody as all hell<3
ricky1992 @ricki1991 left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 25, 11 at 10:45pm
peanut butter filled chocolate bunnies are my fav! hopefully u get your drivers license before colassol con, so we can hang out there! if u even wanted to go.? lol.. i have a question, is final fantasy a good game? because i have been wanting to buy the last couple ones but some of my friends say it not that good of a game, an some of them say it is..
Oh same here, lots of flavors to choose >_< hmm I guess chewy fudge :3 mmmm...speaking of cookies, it's cruel that they make Cookie Monster eat veggies XD just cruel! lol..I just can't picture a veggie monster -_- cuz if he ate lots of veggies, then maybe he'd turn green? but then I have to wonder why eating cookies makes him blue XD lol completely random, but still, cookie monster has rights too XD!!
Korded @korded left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 25, 11 at 8:36pm
Your internship? And I'm okay, destroying my thumbs over Mortal Kombat. Are there any bands I should search for or just Visual Kei?
Korded @korded left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 25, 11 at 8:20pm
o? Whats visual kei? not ALL country is bad....just most of it>.< How are you today?
otoburikid @otoburikid left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 25, 11 at 3:43pm
I see well I'll tell you now unless you know how to dodge ALL of sepheroths attacks the valor form wont be of much help against him, trust me I got my ass handed to me many time using valor form. And yeah I played mostly all of them, my favorite is ff9 with zidanr tribal, which by the way is the most underrated game of the series >.>